Friday, 17 July 2009

The discoviries of Mjeriése (genius) at Castello di Muwrhèse

Mes amis, your bon ami Mwrwse has for too long promisinated to a wobleg postinate about some of teh discoweries most exciting which he & Agly at Castello di Merese foundinated. Well, mes amis, it tru is, they much excitinating have their foundinated. Mereise, he knows not where to begin (even though he a grate geynius is!!!).

Mjereose & Àglìè they have foundinated at Castelo di Mjerwsoe:
  • a secret hidden library with thousands of books straetching back to AD600;
  • a secret Templar chapel;
  • several paintings that Aglie he estimates that they from 1200AD dateinated;
  • three life size solid gold sculptures of people
  • a treasure room full of assorted gold coins, gold artefacts & jewelery (including a few crowns, in which Mjerowse much fetching looks!);
  • HUNDRED and HUNDREDS of secret passageways, rooms and chambers. Some with traps, and pitfalls and other things which much freindly were not!!!
Amongst the books was teh 8th century book, full of full of secret Templar hystery and secret World Domination plans which Algie foundinated. All these books have helped Mjerowse (& his side kick Agly) to asemble teh secret histry of teh Templars, and how improtatn Castello di Mjerrowse was to them & to their (successful!!) plans tow wrold domination achievinate.

It turns out that there a Templar castle on this site has been since at least 200 BC, wiht mentions of it in the oldest manuscript " Piani segreti di devoti cristiani Cavalieri Templari" ( "Secret plans of the devout Christian Knights Templars" ), which mentions teh castel having been built recently (well, recently when this manuscropt it was written, in BC 200!!!).

Mjerose & Agly have agreeinated to sell a few select items that they need do not, which Mjerrowse much money will make. This useful will be!!

Also, Mwehrose Agly teh letter that Mæræhyse had from teh Templar grand master receivinated, and of it Aglie much excitinated was!! Teh Templar grand master wants to us some important secrets about teh Templars tell & arranged to us at Malbork Castel see. Aglie much excited was, as he there wanted to go anyway.

SO, mes amis, TOOMORROW, we in to teh car will get & to Malbork drivinate. Much exciting things are bound to happen, mon amis. Watch this space!!!!!1!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Porperty Portfolio - Updatinated

Aglie has just Mjerrose been showing Mjerése a 8th century Templar book, full of secret Templar hystery and secret World Domination plans.

It much exciting was, and Mjerîse thinkinates that they much about teh Templar plots can out findinate. ALso, it teh land on which Castello di Muruse was on built it mentions, which much exciting is.

On teh same subject, Mjereóse has been think wonce again about his porpetry portfolio. SO FAR he has,

in France -
In his homeland, Austaliaia:
In Italy:
In Argentina:

Well... maybe this is enough houses for now. FOR NOW. But Mjeroése also a hosue in Montreal, Canada wants, and maybe a BIG house near Melbourne, Australia

More grate whines that will come from Castello di Máwrjice

Mjerowse le genie, he is up still makinating labels for his whines most magnifique ( not yet made, but will be soon! ).

This, another whine in his flag ship range of Castelli Romani DOC whine is. But this one, it is white! And made with botryised Vermentino, another of teh graps Aglie he recently found growing in a wild, untended part of Castello di Mawrises vineyards. It called "Sacra Piramide" is called as the amber-yellow grapes of this varariety grow in pyramidal bunches. It also references a secret Templar plot from the 16th century, about which Agliè Mjewrwose has been telling recently -- but sshhh, it still much secret is!!

Also, Mjeröwse will a range of varietal whines release as Castelli Romani IGT whines, including Alas, all teh Vermentino will as Sacra Piramide be used as making, so he no IGT wersion can of it makeinate.

Welll, mes amis, look forward to seeing these whines in your local whine store ANY YEAR NOW, because they whines of grate geynius will be !!!1!

Sunday, 12 July 2009

The Grate Whine of Castello di Murhyse

Mes amis, even wiht the excitement of all the exciting discoveries at Castello di Maurice, do not think that Mjerose or Aglie are not about this years wine thinkinating. M. Aglié has Mjerowse much advised been givinating, and will wiht this years wine making help, once Mjarwose has had teh grapes harvestinated.

Mjerowse, he inclined is to decline help -- he is a GEYNIUS, he needs help from no others! But maybe, just maybe, the non-genius might be able to help the genius bring teh true extent of his geynius to light, wiht some advice & guidance on how to do this new thing that Mjürüse has not before tryinated.

In any case, Mjeroîse & Aglie last night a LABEL designinated for "Il Genio del Vino", Mjérøse his FLAGSHIP whine. The wery name explains explanitorially how it expresses teh GEYNIUS of Mjérose le genie! The one bad thing is that Aglie, he insistinated that HIS name also alongside that of that great genius, that piinacle of intellictual grandness that is Muruse must be!! THis too much was, but eventually Mereése had to agreeinate.

Mjerøse he is sure this whine it many prizes will win, and lots will sell. It will be teh best whine ever, and everybody will love it and give Mjárøwse lots of muny. He just has to make it first. A trivial thing for such a grate genius!!!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Braekfast at Castello di Maurice

Brakefast is a simple affair at Castello di Mjérhise. Despite being a great geynius, Mærhyse he often just something such as flaked corns for brækfast has. Yesterday, he bacon, eggs, black pudding, has browns, sausage, toast and coffe hadinated.

This mroning,this shows what Mjuerowse for breakfast had:

Toast, mes amis, TOAST!

Oh, and a bottel of Bordeaux whine.


Mes amis, today Mjerhîse le geynisu and his ex-bon ami Agli have some exciting discoveries madeinated!! They have through some of teh hidden tunnels of Castello di Mjårhåse been explorinating, and much found including a secret hidden library with thousands of books straetching back to AD600, a secret Templar chapel, several paintings that Aglie he estimates that they from 1200AD dateinated, and much more.

And yet, the day it did not well begin! Agly Mjeríse woke up at 5:30 AM , a time when geyniuses mostly are in bed , and insisisted we could not any more time lose, we had to working get!! AND then, Mjwerîyse, he out of bed fell!!!! Incredible, for such a greate geynius!!! Then later that day, Mwawrwowse down a spiral staircase fell, when he over his shoe lace trippinated. Luckily he was his mobile phone holding so was able to TWITTER about it in real time as he fell!

But teh day improved when Uglie, he truffle omlettes made. Then, Mjæryse he invigororatinated felt. Then he teh door to teh hidden chapell foundinated!! And soon after, teh door to a complex of roomes which containinated teh hidden secret library!!

Still, there much more exploring to be done is. We the secret hidden cellars have yet to investigatinate. But Aglie is telling Mjérøse that this is all wery important, and must secret be kept. SHHHH!!! DOn't tell ANYONE, mes Amis!!!!!

But now, bed. Mjèrése he must sleep before teh next days excitment.

Bon nuit! À bientot!

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Maurice has mail!

Life with Maurice around is fun, eh? Even just opening his mail is exciting enough:

Your mail

3:17 PM (18 hours ago)
Ratatoskr Squirrel to Maurice

Hey Maurice,

Mail arrived for ya. Something from some Templar
Grand Master. Opened it, sorted it, forwarded 
it on. Lemme know if you get it, eh?


Ratatoskr Squirrel
Yggdrasil, Norway

Maurice de Perfossor to me

show details 3:20 PM (18 hours ago)

THankyou my pa. I will let you know 
teh instant it Mjerése  recievinates. 
It like it much improtant sou nds like 
it is!!!

-- Maurice de Perfossor
Le plus grand génie


> Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 15:17:51 +0100
> Subject: Your mail
> From:
> To:
- Show quoted text -

> Hey Maurice,
> Mail arrived for ya. Something from
> some Templar Grand Master. Opened
> it, sorted it, forwarded it on. Lemme
> know if you get it, eh?
> Ratatoskr.
> --
> Ratatoskr Squirrel
> Yggdrasil, Norway
> Email:
> Web:

What can you do with the new Windows Live? Find out

No idea what he thinks this mail from this so-called Templar Grand Master is. But can smell a fake like this miles off. Just like with Maurice! He's not a genius, sure as acorns are acorns. And that's something about with I'm VERY sure!!

Yours nuttily,


Foie gras with sauternes, whilst relaxing in Mjérhise his Italian castle!

Mjerrhyse, he in Parrhys has been. He arrived back from his HOLIDAY most magnifique much refreshed & relaxed. There he a new suit for himslef bought, as well as a number of new berets that are tres amazing, mon ami! TRES amazing!!

Then Mjuroowse he drove from Paris France to Castello di Muarise in Italy and here there now is. Toomorrooww Aglie he will be arrivinating to help le genie Mjurose teh templar histroy of teh castle investigatinate, but for now Mjuerôwse he alone is. Yesterday Mjoerrôüse had foie gras and sauturnes whine for breakfast and it much good was, Mjuerrowse he enjoyed it much. Especially wiht teh foi gras on brioche! Maybe this for brakefast will today again have!!

Eh bien, it a good week has been. And Mjerowse is looking forward to exploring teh secret tunnels of his castel, which he found only recently. Also, he is going to be about be be just going to be getting started with going to be negotiaiting to buyinate a new car, a TVR Cerbera Speed 12.

Photo by Brian Snelson

This car, teh engine has having 12 cylinder 7.7 litre engine, and maybe about 1,000 horses power. It, it never made commercially was as it TOO POWERFULL for people who are NOT GEYNIUSES like Mjerérwse is, but Mjerríse he thinks he can one of teh few remaining prototypes his hands on get... He will you keep posted!!!