- Not Yet Neighbours: Film and Television in the Pre-Roman Period (1985) (BA HONS THESIS)
- Liftoff: Neolithic Spacecraft and Stonehenge (1990) (PHD THEISIS)
- Roses and Hamburgers: the Rosicrucian Role in the Fast Food Revolution (1992)
- Escaping Paradox: A New Methodology in Neolithic Spaceship Construction (1994)
- Thor and the Origin of Modern Dental Floss (1995)
- The Archaeology of France in the Polystyrene Age (c. 5000BC-2900AD) (2000).
- Velcro Digestive Biscuits: The Modern Templar Conspiracy (2003)
- Hrothgar's Battle: the Norse Gods and the Templar Invention of Cinema (2009)
- The oPhone Revolution: Odin and Modern Cellular Telephony (2010)
- Where's my Antelope: Elephants and Iguanas in Pre-Viking Norwegian Art (2010)
- Cellular telephones in Mayan civilisations (2012)
- Hand Guns and Ham Rolls: Miscellaneous Essays on Miscellaneous Conspiracies (2013)
- The Secret Library: Revelations on Templar Conspiracies found in the archives of Castello di Maurise (duew to be publsihed in 2015)
as editor -- MANUTIUS PRESS ITALIA (i.e. qwritten by some ohter prerson),. (PARTEIAL LIST!!@#!)
- Rosicrucians, Roswell and the Race into Space: Space Exploration since 1100 (2012)
- Templars, Pot-Noodles and the New World Order, 1500-1980 (2013)
- The Minotaur in the Tube: A Minoan Conspiracy in London UNMASK'D! (2014)
fiction (e.g,. novwels)
- Heracles and the Squirrel of Doom (2005)
- The Stunned Mullet of Etrusca (2007)
- The Mouthwash of the Gods (2008)
- THe Return of Odin (2011)
- 1983. Sarsens and rocketfuel: Multistage rocket technology and its applicability to the design and construction of Stone Henge. Journal of Neolithic Technology and Computing, vol 7, no 4, pp 492-551.
- 1994. Use of flint in prehistoric spacerocket construction: can one knap a spaceship? Lithic Space Technology, vol 13, no 2, pp 102 - 118.
- 2002. Baptism of Fire: why eau-de-vie cannot substitute for holy water in baptisinmal seremonies. Journral of Templar and Rosicrusian Studies, vol 33, no 4, pp 340-368.
- 2011. Templar world domination strategies: a review. Journal of Templar & Roscicurican Studies, vol 42, no 1, pp 34 - 48.
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