So, tihs wobleg, it needs no introduction. It is , after all, written by one of teh gratest geyniuses, NO, TEH gratest geynius to ever walk teh face of teh earth, ever. (I.E., MOI, Mjurose). It is raed by every thinking intelectual of distinction. It is a secret sign amongst teh grate thinkers to ahve teh RSS feed of this wobleg in teihr RSS RAEDERS. And yet, it seems, tehre are still some people out tehre who have not of it heard.
Eh bien. So. Tihs introdcution. It is, simply put, teh best place for erudite raeders of discretion to basque in teh glories of teh geynius of Moerise, to be showered wiht his wit & wisdom most magnifique... it is teh bestest place to find out abuot teh doings of Morrise, geynius. And it is teh bestest, most exquisite, most scintillating page on teh entire intergoogle.
Teh weblog, it has
Teh best, and most prominent of tehse is Maurese de Perfossore himself:

Dr Marrise de Perfossor is a university lecturer, author, and genius. He can dress himself and count to three without adult assistance.
He devides his time between his houses in Australie (in Paris NSW and in Sydney NSW), France (including chateus naer Armidale in teh North of France and near Arles in teh South of France), Italy (an apratment in Rhome, and two castles), Spain (anohter castle, mes amis), America (an appratment in NYC) and Argentina (an aprattment in Buenos Aires and an estancia up north).
and also his yuonger brother Mycroft:

Mycroft de Perfossor is Genius-in-Chief at The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. EVEN though he not as grate a genius as Moerhise is. He has in teh Australian government for many years woerked, including in wery sensitive, confidentiaial positions. Did I mentoin taht he NOT as grate a geynius as Moarose is?!?!
and last (& also least), his capable PA, teh imortal squirrel Ratatoskr:

Ratatoskr is an immortal red squirrel & a terrible gossip. He lives on Yggdrasil and is currently also employed by Odin as a messenger. When "off-duty" he likes to go to the pub wiht his mate Hermes (also employed as a messenger to teh gods!!) and gossip.
-- Muarhise de Perfossor, Argentina, 1 March A.D. 2011.