Friday, 17 July 2009

The discoviries of Mjeriése (genius) at Castello di Muwrhèse

Mes amis, your bon ami Mwrwse has for too long promisinated to a wobleg postinate about some of teh discoweries most exciting which he & Agly at Castello di Merese foundinated. Well, mes amis, it tru is, they much excitinating have their foundinated. Mereise, he knows not where to begin (even though he a grate geynius is!!!).

Mjereose & Àglìè they have foundinated at Castelo di Mjerwsoe:
  • a secret hidden library with thousands of books straetching back to AD600;
  • a secret Templar chapel;
  • several paintings that Aglie he estimates that they from 1200AD dateinated;
  • three life size solid gold sculptures of people
  • a treasure room full of assorted gold coins, gold artefacts & jewelery (including a few crowns, in which Mjerowse much fetching looks!);
  • HUNDRED and HUNDREDS of secret passageways, rooms and chambers. Some with traps, and pitfalls and other things which much freindly were not!!!
Amongst the books was teh 8th century book, full of full of secret Templar hystery and secret World Domination plans which Algie foundinated. All these books have helped Mjerowse (& his side kick Agly) to asemble teh secret histry of teh Templars, and how improtatn Castello di Mjerrowse was to them & to their (successful!!) plans tow wrold domination achievinate.

It turns out that there a Templar castle on this site has been since at least 200 BC, wiht mentions of it in the oldest manuscript " Piani segreti di devoti cristiani Cavalieri Templari" ( "Secret plans of the devout Christian Knights Templars" ), which mentions teh castel having been built recently (well, recently when this manuscropt it was written, in BC 200!!!).

Mjerose & Agly have agreeinated to sell a few select items that they need do not, which Mjerrowse much money will make. This useful will be!!

Also, Mwehrose Agly teh letter that Mæræhyse had from teh Templar grand master receivinated, and of it Aglie much excitinated was!! Teh Templar grand master wants to us some important secrets about teh Templars tell & arranged to us at Malbork Castel see. Aglie much excited was, as he there wanted to go anyway.

SO, mes amis, TOOMORROW, we in to teh car will get & to Malbork drivinate. Much exciting things are bound to happen, mon amis. Watch this space!!!!!1!

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