Monday, 4 May 2009

The secrets of Castello di Maurice...

Mes amis!! Thyngs most exciting, they are happenatign!! Earlier, he a secret passageway most secret in his hosue he foundinated. Well, HE teh secret part of his castle has the past few days been explorinating has. @WELL!!! He many things has found -- it a pity just is that Muirrhôse he did not it findinate when his bon ami Agliè here was -- it much exciting for him to see would been have. THere MILES of secret tunnels, and hunderds of secret rooms are. Miurrowse, he thinks of this much it under teh ground hidden is.

Rite now, he in room #150 of teh secret hidden library is. HE thinks there many secret books on secret hidden templar history and secret templar conspiracies here must be!!! He raeding as amny of teh books as he can is. EH will have to Aglie invitinate back here to him hlep!!!!!

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