Monday 4 May 2009

Back at castello di muerose

Back at Castello di Muirorsw wiht my bon ami M. Aglie, le Comte de St.-Germaine. Together we will teh hidden parts of this ancient templar house most magnifique explorinate!

What we weill find will no doubt shedinate new light most interesting on the secret knowlege, and secret conspiraceicies, of teh Templar movement. Muirorse he is certain that these, these have had a BIG impact on teh world. Maybe teh Templars did even manage to teh world take over and no one else they noticed?!?!?!!?!? Because it so well hiden was kept?!?!?! THIS, Mjuraesé he could believinate!

Eh bien, Murowse will post all HERE. Keep your eyes peeled, mon amis!!!!!!!

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