Thursday, 26 March 2009


Muirrhyse!!! HE IS SAVED!!!!! SAVED, I TELLS YOU!!!!!!!!1!

Okay, mes amis, I will now down calm.


Well, mes amis, Muiirrhowse was eating a modest lunch of caviar and larks tounges with truffles in foie gras and honey sauce, when he a phone call was interuppted by. Aparently, he a great Uncle had in Argentina had! And sadly, Muirrhyse had never known of or even met his Great Uncle Pedro. And yet he to his gret nephew Muirhyse left his fortune and his properties in Argentina, Spain and America.

Oui, c'est vrai! Muirrhuse has once again been saved. Now he can his debts all pay off, and he many new desirable hosues has. In Argentina, he has an apartment in Buenos Aires and a substantial estate in the countryside. He will there have to go soon very soon.

But first he must the lawyer meet and speak wiht. Apparently this law firm they also offices in Sidney has. Murrhise agreed to meet them there, and sign the forms they need as formalalaitys.

Muirrrhose cannot wait. He to Sudney flies out tomorrow. WISH HIM LUCK!!!!

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