Well, mes amis, Muirohyse he has been putting it off. But he can pit it off no longer! He promiced his raeders most loyal that he a full account of his dinner with his bon ami Agliè would here post. But alas, it well did not go.
Teh evening it started well, Mon Ami Aglie was wery happy to again see Miorwse and we had much to discuss. Muiirowse had Aglìè to Muirrowses home most beauitful in Armidale, France for dinner around had invited him. As normal, Aglie was impeccably dressed in a double-brested pin striped suit. This, it sets off his grey hair and his gold rimmed glasses in a manner which is most magnifique. Almost magnifique, but not as marvellous as MUIORWSE!!! Muirose the 1978 Château Margaux got out, and Agliè he this very much liked.
We spoke once more about our topic most favourite, teh Knights Templars. Aglie, he told me that the Templars had a plan made, which would last 600 years and conclude this century. They were a message most mysticall together putting together, with meetings between different groups once every hundred years. Each only knew how to contact the next group of Templars in teh list, but alas it all fell arpart. Teh secret in some map is hidden. Aparently, some people anything would do to this map get -- Muirrose thinks maybe even Aglie would, though this he would not admit. Muirowse told him more about teh secret templars map he pretendinates to have, and discussed the Templar/Rossicrucian plot behind digestive biscuits. To Muirowse, it all seemed to be going well.
Alas, things they went down hill wery badly when Mirrwose he the main course out got -- vegemite on toast. Muirowse, he served this up wiht teh 1965 Château Cheval Blanc. Aglie, he did not with this seem much happy. But then he smiled, and said "Aah! Chocolate spread! My favourite! Not exactly what I was expecting, but still..." Muirowse wondered whether to him correct: it was not chocolate spread, it was vegemite! But then mon bon ami Aglie picked up a peice of toast so enthusiastically, Muirrowse him did not want to discourage.
When Agly into teh toast bit into it, he looked surprised, then shocked, then disgusted. "What is wrong with this chocolate spread?" he of Muiriwse enquired, and Miorwhyse was able to inform him informationally that it not chocolate spread was, it vegemite was. Aglie he was not very pleased. He with a agate lidded gold and silver snuffbox he from his vest pocket had removed fidddled. He most agitated looked. Apparently, he a proper meal with fine French foods had expected. Well, Muirhyse had sort of hinted that this is what he woudl provide -- but still!! Such limits do not to a geynius like Moirrese apply.
Still, Muirroswe decided to the desert to skip. He got out the 1958 Château Ausone got to drink whilst Muirrhyse he the €5 Pavlova from teh fridge got out and on a plate put. With this desert most deligthful, Muirrhyse a 1851 Château d'Yquem Premier Cru Supérieur Sauternes got out to have. Aglie with teh SAUTERNE most delighted was, but not with the PAVLOVA.
Muiirhyse looked around for something extra to the dinner save. And then he saw it! On the book case of his living room - a bottle of 1929 Moët & Chandon Cuvée Dom Perignon Brut Millésimé! Just the thing Muirrowse needed! Also, he to teh fridge went and got a selection of finest French cheses to with it have! Muirowse these brought out to Aglie, and he most impressed was. Muirrwse was just about to take the top off the CHAMPAGNE, when alas! Catastrophy! THe worst, it happened! THe champagne bottle sniggered briefly, and then scuttled off teh table and ran out of the room. The Champagne, it was NOT REAL! IT was the CHAMELEON! Muiowryse had this champagne so wanted to try, that now he will have to a bottle of it buy!!! Also, Aglie most dissapointed was, so he will with him have to share it.
Luckily, then Muirrowse realised that they had not finished teh 1851 Château d'Yquem Premier Cru Supérieur Sauternes. Muirrowese and Aglie, they then the rest of this finished. Then Muiirowse another bottled of the 1851 d'Yquem got, and it also was finished. Muirrowse cannot after this much rememeber.
But alas, he does that the evening a disaster was remememebr. A DISASTER, mes amis! Even for a GEYNIUS such as MUIEAORYSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANd it not MUIROWSEs fault was, no. It was all beyond his control. He wonders what he will do to things make better next time....
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