Thursday, 19 March 2009

When in ROme,... Buy an Apartment in Sydney!!!

Whilst Muirrrrrrrrrrrhyyyyeeeese he has in Rome been, do not think he has forgot the other place he a gap in his porperty portfolio thought he had -- SYDNEY. Ah yes, mes amis, even from Rhome he has been able to negotiatiate the purchase of a sidney apartment most magnifique -- an apartment suitable for the great geynius that is Morose!.
Mes amis, feast your eyes on the new Sydnay apratment de Muriuse:



Floor plan (would be burglers, please dont look!!!!) 
(Images reproduced from

This just about perfect for Muirrhyse is. ALso, he notes it secure parking for two cars has. Although Maeroswe two cars in Australia already has, they not good enough for his new Sidnoy home are. They are 4WHEEL DROVE cars, and perfect for life in teh provinces (Paris, NSW, Australia) but not for teh sofisticated life of Sidnay. Muirose, he sure is that NOBODY, but NOBODY drives four wheel droven cars in Sidniy.

So Muiirhyse also has ordered himself:

Dan Smith/Wikipedia
(Except OBVIOUSLY in Sadnuy teh car it will right hand dirve be...)

He much excited is, and will them test out next time in Sudnoy is!!

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