Saturday, 25 April 2009

Quelle catastrophie!

Mes amis, just as Aglie and Muirose teh geynius were together teh book ancient they foundinated calle d "Gli antichi segreti dei Templari together readinating, a thing most terrible it happened!! Mon bon ami Aglei, he had jiust to a part most interesting got, when Mirrhose he a sniggering sound herd. Mes amis, you caanot imagine how much this it upset Maerhoswe. He this sound knew!! It was teh chameleleon!!! IT MUST BE, mes amis!!!

But things, they were just about to much worse get. Mon ami Aglie, he said "Odd parchment this book is printed on. It feels almost... scaly". Then   Mirrhose he raelised. Teh book! IT was real not, it teh cameleon in disguise was!!! At that piont teh book jumped out of teh hands of Aglie, and in to a corner scuttled. Aglie, he most amazed and disappointed was. But then he teh incident wiht teh 1929 Möet & Chändön Champagne rememberinated!! AND tehn he knew taht Mirrhowse he must by teh cameleleon being tormented must be!

Eh bien, now Muruse teh geynisu and his bon ami Aglie most continue to around teh castelli di mirise lookinate. May be we will some REAL treasures findinate!!!

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