Wednesday, 1 April 2009

The 46th birhtday praty de Maurise le genie!!!!


Ah yes, the brithday praty it was most magnifique. And yet, it, it did not without problems occur. You see, mon ami, that Muiiewrøse he invited 200 people to his praty, and so this it was the number of people he told the caterer to provide food for. And yet, only three people were there! Including Muirrowse!!! No, not even mon ami Sarkozy! Or mon ami Berlusconi!! Or even mon ami Chalres Dickens!. This, it not a good start was.

Well, Muirwowse he decided to start the evening by opening a bottel of Penfolds Grange from teh year of Mårøse his birth (1963). But then, then he noticed that his old nemesis Lady Shellom was one of the few guests that had come! He did not want to such a wine for her get out! Especially after what she wrote about him in her book Modern Australian Literature: Geniuses and Frauds!! No, it would not do! But then, Miueroîse he rembered how far his bon ami Ratatatatatoskr had flown to get here, and thought maybe he should get out teh good wine for Ratatatatatatatoskr's sake even so. Eh bien, it was so.

The rest of the evening, it most magnifique was. Muirrhose had enough entrées for 68.3 people, he could not the Ragoût of Lobster keep away from! Then he for the main course had teh Ballontine -- turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken stuffed with a pheasant stuffed with a grouse. he off this had enough for 30 people! AND then he on to the venison moved!!! Then, for desert Mirrowse he had the Baba au rhum, the Teurgoule and the Crème brûlée -- he kept for more going back, and ate enough meals for 110!!

The dinner! It most magnifique was! Muirrowse he oppened bottles of 1958, 1959, 1963, 1964, 1971, 1983 and 1985 Penfold Granges, and the 1972 Romanee Conti annd 1985 La Teche that Ratatskr he brough wiht him!

The food, it was magnifique! The conversation, it was exceptional!! So much intellecutral discussion!! For hours with Ratatoskr I discussed the literary significance of acorns. Muirrhêse he was with his presents much happy with: both Ratatatoskr and Lady Shelom new berets gave mirrease. It a most wonderful evening was!

Well, that was the brithday de Mauiroswe for 2009! And it quite an event was, even if it did not go exactly to the plan de Muirrowse!!! NEXT year, though, it will MUCH better be. For one thing, Mirrôse he will not Lady Shelom invitinate!!!

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