Monday, 13 April 2009

The wisit most anticipipated of Aglie, and the novel new most magnifique!!!!!

Mes amis, it now only ONE WEEK til the wisit most anticipated of Mearise his bon ami Aglie to the new hoseu of Mjiorwse it is happenating. Mes amis! He wait cannot. It will teh social event of teh DECADE be! The most amazing thing to happen EVER!! ALMOST as AMAZING as Mjuowrhyse the two brithday praties he this year had!

Ah, but in teh mean time Mjuwrhyse, do not think that he nothing to do has. No, mon ami, he with his Important Works of Great Geynius keeps on working!!!1! Yes mes amis, you may have read the rumors in papers such as El Monde and teh New York Times and thought them Foundless Roumours, but it is true! Mjuowrse, that great geynius, that towering intellect, he is at WORK on a NOVEL NEW!!!

Alas, mes amis, he canot much detail yet you tell. Sufice it to say, mon ami, This novel new, it will be MAGNIFIQUE!!!!!!!!!1!?!!!!!!!1!!!!!

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