Saturday, 18 April 2009

The visit of AGLIÈ

MES AMIS!!! Mjuwrose he in a state is! He much excited is! on Moonday, Miróse his bon ami Aglie will to Rhome come to Mérèse visitinate. Then on Tuesday we will to Mjrjse his country estate go, and Aglie will with Mjowrose around Mjrhwse his new country estate look around. It such an event will be!! Mîrhoíse is to seeing his bon ami Aglie wonce again much forward looking.

Ah, mes amis, you must forgive Muirohse a weblog post most regretably short... He must go now, and for his guest much anticipated preparinate. Mjuewrosé he will a CAKE bakinate for his good freind Aglie. Yes, a CHOCOLATE cake. This, Aglie will like much!!!!!

à bientôt


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