Friday, 22 May 2009

Maurice for the win!!!1!

Muirise, he has won!! HE has outwitted a secret soceity most evil, that to get him was out to! AND until a few days a go he realised not what it was up to! HE into their trap most diabolical walked in most placidly like a lamb to teh slaughter!!! BUT Miuriowse, he was no lamb for teh slaughetr! No, mon ami, he outwitted them! OUT WITTED THEM ALL,!!

Eh bien, he from his estadia to Buenos Aires in his Rolls Royce drove back. Then he to the secret meeting most secret that his EX bon ami Aglie had invitinated him to went. This, it was at teh Buenos Aires "Museo de Artes y Oficios", just under their foucaults pendulum was heldinated. At the hour appointed, we all around teh pendulum gather for arcane and ancient rituals most secrete. Then, Muirrhose he saw several ectoplasmic forms appear, but Miujrrowse he them ignored as they just about teh weather and motorsports wanted to talk.

Eventually, though, teh REAL prupose of teh meeting apparent became: they convinced were that I about the secret Templar plans knew more, and tehy wanted me about them to interrogate!! I! MUarhse, the geynius of which the world has never equal measure before seen!! This, it most preposterous was. THEN they Muirowse told something most shocking: this, teh inheritance that Mjürose had seemed to have inhertiated from his Great Uncle Pedro a fraud was!!! They had it just made up to get Muirrose to Argentina for this meeting most secret!! This, it shocked Mirrowse. If this, it true were then wonce again he no muny would have!!! BUT Then, then they Murrose said to that IF he told them all about the Templar secrets, they the inheritance would let him keep!! Mirrose, he knew not what to do!!

But then, Mjurowse he an idea had. He would pretend that he DID have a secret Templar map, and that he woudl them of teh secret Templar plans for wrold domination tell. Well, this it required Mijorouse to of something think, and fast! But luckilly, Mjarise a geynius is! And for a geynius like Mhîrøse nothing impossible is. Then Mirrowse he rembered that he always, but always singned copies of his books in his bags keeps, in case he across an adoring fan most devoted happens to stumble. He got out a copy of his 1982 book Roses and Hamburgers: the Rosicrucian Role in the Fast Food Revolution, and to Aglie it gave. Mirse then claimed that the secret of teh Templars was in this hidden, and the map they sought was encoded in teh diagram on p. 498. HE said that because of teh TEMPLARS ever watchfullness, he could not them more tell, but that they could use his book Thor and the Origin of Modern Dental Floss much of value find to help them on their quest. He them a copy of this gave too. Whilst when they destracted were trying to figure this riddle most complex out, Muirrose to his Rolls Royce ran, and DROVE off as quick as he could!!

Well, he drove at only 150MPH, but he did not stop until he the 5,280 miles to his apratment in New York had driven -- YOU remember, mon ami, the one he inheritated from his rich Uncle!! He feels that here, here he safe will be -- HOPEFULLY they will his story beleive!!! And hopefully his inheritance will him let keep!

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