Friday, 29 May 2009

BAck in Parys

WOW! That quite a flight was!! That, it luxury defined for Mjrowse!! He was able to ask for a glass of water whenever he wanted, and it came it a glass that it was clean!!!?! ALSO, he able to buy wines and champagnes for to his meals go wiht. And the meals were not mouldy (like tehy are on Atterrissage Forcé) -- no, mon ami, the meals they much good were!

Eh bien, Mjéríse he now back in his apratment in Paris is, and he much glad to be home again is. Still, in a day fews time, he to Castello Muruse will onse again go. He has many more secrets there to explorinate. He will keep you infromed, mon ami! But his ex-bon ami Aglie, he will NOT be talking to again!! NO, mon ami, NOT after teh way that Aglie he Mj∆røse tried to lead into a trap!!! But Mrwrse, he too clever for Aglie was!! Mérjwse, he a greate geynius is.

Hmmmm,,,, Time to braek open that 1952 Château Lafite Rothschild...

1 comment:

Ratatoskr said...

Noooo!! That Chateau Lafite Rotschild, thought I'd hidden it successfully where Maurice'd never look. Turns out I hadn't quite managed, eh? Still, least he's not found the case of 1973 Romanee Conti he bought last year then forgot about. That one's safe for squirrel consumption. With acorns.

Yours nuttily,