Friday, 29 May 2009

Mjérêse killer jet lag again gets.

WOAH!!! Teh JET LAG, it has just Mjruse hit just now and it is KILLER JET LAG is!!! He must sleep now mes amis.

First, Murríse must himslef a hot chococolate make, and to bed go. Even tough it only 17:30 is!!!1!
Well, he himslef cannot awake any longer keep. He so tired is. Must sleep.

So tired. Must sleep. Sleep must. Soo tirred!!

Excuse-moi, mon ami. Must go to bed now. Mjïrôse, he will sit up in bed and read Proust if he can. And drink hot chocolate. Then sleep (did Muerose that already mention? He remememeber cannot!!!?!).

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