Friday, 31 October 2008

Visiting mon ami Aglie

Mes amis, last night Murise his good freind Agliè once again visitinated. Well, he much glad again to see his good freind was. And this time Aglie, he was with Maerowse happy as this time Murowse the Calvados brought!!!

Well, we of many things talked. Oddly, Aglie he was wery keen to about this secret map of the Templar castle which Murrise he had lied and said he had much keen to about find out. Muirose claimed that it maybe had been losted when Muaeroçe his house was burgalinated.

Oddly, Aglie he did not with this explanation happy seem. He did not Muirose the genius believe! Just because Maurose lying is, is no reason not to believe him! He a geynius is, after all!!! Mon ami Aglie, he started to say "But the map, it was not there when I broke in t--", and then Aglie, he stopped. Murise wonders what Aglie was going to say, and why he continue did not. Most odd, mes amis, most odd.

Eh bien, Muirowwse has a greayte surprise for his raeders most loyal soon, and will them of it tell soon. Keep reading , mes amis!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Back again in Armidale France!!!

Wow! Muarise he is back again in his hosue & Home. This time WITH his toothbrush electric. It most invaluable was!! It helped him from vampires escape, and he even was able to it use to fix the car when Muraises car its engine did not want to work! AND he can with it his teeth brush!

Well, he is looking forward to seeing Aglie in a few days time. Muirose and Aglie, they much exciting things will ahve to discuss!!! Muarose will the Calvados bring.

But first, he must a map of his joruney his raeders most loyal show:

Agrandir le plan

WoWW! THat was not the shortest route, as Muarose he was hoping it would be!!! Next time, he will have to not the road signs ignore. And MAYBE he should a GPS himself buy!!!

Friday, 24 October 2008

In Norway again (realy, mes amis!!)

Well, now Muarise realy now in Norway is. He saw Ratatoskr when he stopped for coffee in Oslo did. Strange, Ratatoskr did not seem to Muirise see, and left rapidly.

Still, it too cold is. Murarse must get back home to Armidale France soon!!

In Norway again

Mes amis, Murrhyse he is in the North of Norway again. Mes amis, it's like deja vu all over agaiN! Still, at least this time he not stranded is. THIS time, Muirose he the Bugatti has with him! So he cannot stranded get.

And, erm, Muarose he has just noticed he in the nroth of SWEDEN is, not NORWAY. Hmm. That explains why people here Norweigan do not speak. Too cold for Muarowse now. He must to France get back. He did not even here mean to come, he does not know how he came to be here. Maybe he another rwong turning made. Maybe he in Latvia should have turned right.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Don't go near the castle, mes amis!!!!!!

Aargh. Murhyse, he WERY much awake now. He out of the castle got WERY quickly. Don't ask, please, mes amis. There were teeth, just as he was to sleep getting. Sharp teeth. For some raison the kind gentleman in the cape wanted Muirhyses neck to bight. Lucky Marise distracted him by hitting him on the head repeatadly with Murrhyse his electric toothbrush. Then Muarowse a quick getaway was able to make.

Well, he in Poland now happy is to be. He has been much glad his car it can drive so fast!!!!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

So Tired. Must Stop Driving. Murrhyse He Must Sleep.

Well, Murrhyse in Roumania is now. It's dark, and stormy with only brief flashes of lightening to the road illuminate ahead of Maurice. With the rain this heavy, mes amis, Maurowse he must for the night find somewhere to stay!

Hmm... that dread forbidding castle looks welcoming. THere a handpainted sign saying "Visitors always Welcome" is.

Hungry in Hungary!!

Mes amis! Murhuse somehow in hungary has ended up. Hmm... maybe he a rwong turning somewhere back in Italia made. Hopefully he will figure out where he is maen to be going soon.

First, he must for food stop. He much hungry is!!!

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Retreiving the toothbrush, mes amis!!

WELL, mes amis, Murrhyse in valencia once again is mes amis. AND what a traumatic day most traumatic Mierose he had!

Firstly, he to the hotel where Muarise the genius he had stayede. And alas! They had his room cleaned out, and they they said that if a toothbrush had there been then it probably thrown out was had been!!

Murrise he was livid. He never his temper loses, he always the model of calm & Compusure is. Still, he for something to throw at the receptionist looked. He pulled something out of his bag and it at the receptetionist threw. Sacre bleu! It Murhyse his electric toothbrush was! It it in his bag all along was! Murrhyse he overjoyed was!! Alas, he had the receptionist knocked out, so he hhad to his toothbrush retrieve and a retreat most rapid make.

Lucky his car new much fast is, he got in and to Valencia much fast drove! Tomoororw he the ferry to italy must get. Wish him luck mes amis!!

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Home again. Maybe, ??

Well, Maerse he back from his drive is now. Er. he a little lost got, maybe just a little. Still, it a wery fun drive was. Mairwse he the lada took, and most disappointed he was that it not as good as Murrhyse his Bugatti Veyron was.

AS is the tradition most magnifique, here the map de Mauriceses journey is:

Agrandir le plan

Well, Maurise back to be in his house & Home much happy is. ALso, he needs to get started on his job new.

OH NO! Quelle catastrophe!! Mes amis! Muarhsyse he has just noticed! He lost his toothbrush!

Now, he convinced is that he in the hotel in lisboa left it. Now Murwse must again to Portugal go to reclaim his toothbrush! He not a moment to loose has! He must this post and then to the Mauricemobile rush!!!!

This time he will the Bugatti take though mes amis...

Monday, 13 October 2008

La voitures de Maurice!

Well, mes amis, it only now Mwr®hyçe back to Armidale France has got, that he realises how many cars he now has!!

He has:

Well, mes amis, with all thes cars at Mwrise his disposal, Maroose thinks he for a drive should go! But which car should he take!?!?! Maybe his Bugatti Veyron, or maybe his Lada 1500??!? Muwarhyçe, he cannot decide!!

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Back in Armidale, France

Wow! Miurise had quiet a trip!

Agrandir le plan

Okay, Mwuries he admits that with retrospect he did not the most direct route take, even though he very hard tried to do so. FOr example, Muwriçe he drove the rwong direction when he Paris left. Eh bien! Il s'agissait d'une simple erreur! Anyone it could have made! Even such a great geynius as Muwrse.

At least in his new Bugatti, the trip did not long take. Eveyrthing is quick when you drive at 300km/hour, mes amis!!

Now, he in Amridale fRance safely home is, he much happy is. Also, after such a long drive he much happy is. He will post again later today with MORE detials, MES AMIS!!

Saturday, 11 October 2008

BLOGGING AT 400km/hour!!!

MES AMIS! THis nouvelle voiture de Maurice can certainly go fast!! Like 407.5 km/hour!!!

Actually, that is Muarhwses little joke. Mostly he at 300km/hour is travelling. 407.5km/hour the fuel it too quickly uses up.

Wow, the countryside does kind of fade past WERY fast. ALso, Muarhyse he keeps seeing blue flashing lights in his rear vision mirror. He not certain what they could be is. Maybe his eyes he needs to get tested. Still, they all seem to disappear quickly enougjh.

Soon be in Armidale France mes amis! But maybe Mwrwçe for now should his eyes on the road keep!!!

La nouvelle voiture de M. Maurice!

Mes amis, votre bon ami Murrhî∫e has another new car himself bought. Oui, il est vrai! He now a brand new Bugatti Veyron has. He with this car new much pleased is!

Well, mes amis, Mwariçe must the road hit now and to Armidale France drive. He to get there cannot wait. He has a new job to look forward to, and he also knows his bon ami Agliè in Armidale France is also at teh moment staying. No doubt there will be meany long evening sitting around the fire having many long interesting intelelectual debates and much Cognac drinking! Mwryse, he canot wait!

À bientôt!


Thursday, 9 October 2008

Uh oh...

Oh No. Maurice is back in France. Quick everybody! We have to move to another continent before he finds us! What's a squirrel to do, eh? Well, goin' back to Norway might be best move for Ratatoskr. Not Maurice's cup of tea, Norway. Too cold for Maurices.

Good luck everyone! And remember: DON'T ENGAGE MAURICE IN CONVERSATION
(oh boy, would you be in for it then!!!)

Yours sqirrelishly,


Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Maerhese in Paerese (again!)

Well mes amis the great geynius Muawrise is again once again in Paris!! He got to France back yesterday, and was much happy to be there.

Alas, his flightt back took seven days rather than the 52 hours it intended to take was meant to, because the Atterrissage Forcé pilot he wonce again got wery lost, and took long time to France find. Then he in Paris not Armidale France landed!

Still, Mwrwse in Paris is glad to be back, and he the flight over is glad that it is. Now he just has to overcome his KILLER JET LAG. I mean, mes amis, THIS is WORSE than last time! After all, mes amis, LAST TIME the flight only 78 HOURS took! This time it 172 hours took!!!1!

Eh bien. Muwryse will now have a few days to spend enjoying life in Paris France, in his apartment most beautitufl on Rue Mouffetard. Then He to Armidale France will drive. First he a new car must buy. Maybe he a Bugatti Veyron will buy. He has these read nice cars are.

Yes. That like a nice car looks. And Muaerise he still some of the spare credit cards he borrowed earlier from the Capitan of the SS Cado still has. Maybe he will a Bugatti as a welcome home present himself buy,

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Wihs Maerwse luck!

Muarhuse, he is flying back to Armidale France today! His flight, it is being called RIGHT NOW, so he cannot much say here. He much looking forward to getting back and onto his new job getting on. He will post again soon when in France he is.

This time, Muruse will be flying with Atterrissage Forcé Ultra-Premium Executive First Class wonce again, just like last time. Mes amis, it was the flying expereince of the century! Far better than any other hairyplane flight that Muirhse with other airlines had been on. There were even buttons on the seat airm rest to call a air stewardess! And they would even you a glass of water get if you them asked!! And the glass it was only slightly smudged and maybe even clean!!! This was an unprecedented hexperience for Mwrwse.

OOPS final call mes amis !! eh bien maurice hhe muhst goe knoww