Sunday, 12 October 2008

Back in Armidale, France

Wow! Miurise had quiet a trip!

Agrandir le plan

Okay, Mwuries he admits that with retrospect he did not the most direct route take, even though he very hard tried to do so. FOr example, Muwriçe he drove the rwong direction when he Paris left. Eh bien! Il s'agissait d'une simple erreur! Anyone it could have made! Even such a great geynius as Muwrse.

At least in his new Bugatti, the trip did not long take. Eveyrthing is quick when you drive at 300km/hour, mes amis!!

Now, he in Amridale fRance safely home is, he much happy is. Also, after such a long drive he much happy is. He will post again later today with MORE detials, MES AMIS!!

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