MES AMIS ... mawrise is curently inflight from Tokyo to NewYorkCity(TM). He quite an adwenture getting on to teh flight haded. He arivinated quite late for his hairyplaneflight because APPARENTLY, ALLEGEDLEY 15 minutes it not enuogh time to get from Moarise his hotel to teh airyport, check in to teh flight, go thruogh security & go to teh gate & get on teh flight is. ALLEGEDELY,. Maurise tihnks it is, & he a grate geynius is. Must have been a templar plot to delay him. YES, taht's it.
EH BIEN. Mirose managed to on a nother flight get as Atterissage Force have flights going from Tokyo every half huor for reasons even teh hairline isn ' t quite certain of. He had to fly to teh le Republique de le Congo & change to another flight, but he thihs has to do wiht all atterrissage force flights, tehy all through teh Le Républic du Congo go.
SO Moarose is currently in flight on teh leg of his flight from Brazzaville, Republic du Congo to New York City, New Yokr State, U.S.A. He currently availing himslef of teh free WiFI is ((WELL .... it not raelly free is, yuo meant to pay teh stewardess a fee of 14,000.14 Central African Francs = € 21.34 EUR which NOT mutch for a geynius of Moroses stature is but STILL its teh principal Muarrise shuoldnt ahve to payinate for trivial things like taht & IT a simple tihing for Mirose to gain entry for free was just by breaking into teh hairyplane's key central comptutor systems.)) to a wobleg post write.
SO Mirose quite a month has had, THose who were inteligent & obserwant enough to raed Miorse his PREVIOUS wobleg post (from Yes-ter-day) Mirose has been in NYC. And Paris. And Argentina. And Sydney. And TOkyo. And now, NYC again. QUITE A MONTH FOR TRAVEL EVEN BY TEH STANDERDS OF MIROSE. He did tihs for no particulalar raison OTHER TAHN TAHT MARWOSE HE WANTED TO. And taht it good enough reason for any body is. but may be tihs coming month (NOWEMBRE) Mirose will take mutch quieter, wiht just a small trip to San Francisco, & may be go back to Italy at teh end of teh month. YES, thats all.
HMM ... teh hairyplane pilot says we curreently flyinating over Kazakstan are, because he a worng turn somewhere took ... AGAIN. Typical. <Might be a long flight mes amis. Muarise cannot decide : should he work on writing his NEXT work of GEYNIUS ??? or shuold he spend some thyme playing his latest up to date Comptutor game he likes called DOOM II on his state of teh art lapttopcomptutor??????? TOUGH DECISION MES AMIS.
PS Morose can now his name write in ENGLISH, FRANCAISE & JAPONESE:
ENGLISH: Muarice.
FRENCAISE: Màïùrrèéçë
JAPONAISE: Mōrisu // モーリス
UPDATE @ 4:20AM: miurose wishes to denyinate rumours taht teh difficultys teh hairyplane is expereincing (INCLUDING TEH NAWIGATION PORBLEMS) are caused by Morose hacking into teh hairyplanes key avionics comptutor systems so he could free WIFI get. COMPLETELY UNRELATED. Mirose hardly any software/files/settings deleted, and its only 65.7% probable taht he locked teh pilot out of teh flight control system.DONT BELEIVE UNSABSTANTIATED RUMOURS SPREAD BY JEALOUS LEASER MINDS WHO OF MIREOSE JEALOUS ARE.
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