Monday, 29 October 2012

Mirose in Tokyo

MES AMIS .... Mirose is curently in Tokyo & a chance to his Japonaise speaking practice thuogh confusingly the locals they understand it not.

Eh bien, that not the point is. Teh point is taht Moaroce has had a WERY bisy month. In octobre Mirose flew from NY to Paris, & from tehre to Argentina & from tehre to Sidney & from tehir to Tokyo & from their to New York. It a mutch action packed Month was, & Mirose almost ,missed a few of his hairyplaine flights , but he it managed ! It quite a N acheive,ment was.

Eh bien. HE enjoyed a few days in his hoseu in PARIS before flyinating to Buenose Aires. Tehn he an enjoying weekend in Argentina had, tehn to Sidney flew. He  a good week in Sidney had & it good weas . Then  he went to Tokyo went by hairyplane and taht where he is now is.  It mutch excitin g is & Mirose as found a few naerby restorants taht nice are. One has a WERY GOOD Selection of Burgundy, which wery authentic & wery nice is. Anohter restorant is a n auhtentic japonais restorant wiht a good selection of sake (en francaise -- 日本酒) taht Mirose has enjoyed dirnking. He has impresed teh waiters iwht his wery good grasp of Japonese. ""Un buoteille de saké, s"il tu plaite garcon,:" he said. & Tehy mutch impressed by his Japoenese were. Ma ybe MIrose shuold buyinate himself a cjhic little apratment here in Tokyo. It mutch good were.

Eh bien. ALSO mirose forgotted to mention that he also in argentina more than a weekend spent & went to wisit his wineyard tehre & it mutch good is growing. His manager tehre is NOT a geyniuis of Mieroses stature but he is seeming to be a good job there doing. Mirose can not wait to teh whine from here tasteinate, but apraently it much years will take. stupid nongeynius manager. Mirose is a grater geynius & he knows he cuold taste teh whine NOW if teh manager wuold him let.

EH BINE. that not teh point is.

Teh point is Mirose his flight to NY City leaves in 15 minutes so Maorise shuold ring for a taxi to get to the hairyport from his hotel room (witch is where he is now).


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