Sunday, 15 July 2012

Moaroses GRANDE new hosue in SUNNY SE10.

Merise has just finished celebratinating "Bastille Day" (en Anglais: la Fête Nationale........). It wery good was, & Maorise too mutch Romaee-Conti dranked.

Eh bien, taht not teh point is. Evwen though Moarose enjoyinated celebratinating teh Festival of teh French republique, he here to tell you abuot buying a hosue in teh Untied Kingdom is. And taht is waht he will do.

Eh bien. As regular raeders might rember, Moarise wanteded to buyinate a hosue in Londres. he had decidinated taht he would buy teh bestest hosue on teh market, evwen if it wuold bankr-upt him for ever&ever because a geynius of his stature would not for 2nd best settle. BUT, he was GAZUMPED by some non-geyniyuys "busyness man".

Muarhose was of cuorse by this much upset. BUT he has raelised taht , actually, it a Blessing In Dis-Guise was. Why, you may ask, mes amis???

  • It ment Moarose would not bank rupt for ever&ever be <-- witch would be wery bad
  • Morece managed to grabbinate £20,000 from teh rich busyness man's limousin, so he acutally came out of tihs ahead financially
  • He a wery chic hosue in "SE10" (a.k.a. Greenwitch) has founded.
Tahts rite. Maorise a wery chic hosue in SE10 has foundinated. And he wiht it is much pleased.

It wery elegant in an contemprorary Elizabeth Ist style is, with much wood panneling & wery ornate fireplaces is. It wery spacious is, wiht 8 bedrooms, three studies, four withdrawing rooms (+ four depositing rooms to balance out all tohse withdrawing rooms)), six bathrooms, two dinning rooms & a wery elegant chefs style "cuisiner"/kitchen in witch Moaruise can already imagine himslef cooking up many elegant  diners for him & his many litererararary/intelectual freinds.... even thuogh he yet to move in has.

Taht;s not all, mes amis. Miurose is also tihnking of buyinating a country re-treat in teh Untied Kingdom. First he must up some muny save (maybe he cuold publish anohter hot bestcellar book!! Taht wuold make lots of muney for him).

Eh bien. Mirose will tell you more as it happenates. As it is now, I back in Malta am on holyday wiht mon associate Agly. Have found mutch of interest abuot teh TEMPLARS & teh KNIGHTS OF MALTA but Uglîe said taht Meroce must not abuot Maeroses post on his wobleg & taht he raelly ment this & taht he wuold not includinate Muarise in any off his secret Templar studies in future if Muarise this did. Stupid nongeynius Aglei. Muarhose, he a GRATER geynius is.

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