Eh bien, that not the point is. The point is that Mirhose he rather an Unplaesent shock got when he for houses started to look. Teh most exclusive, top-of-teh range porperties, tehy were OUT of teh price range of Mirohjse!! Tihs was an outrage!!!1!!?!?!? a catastrophey!!?!?!?!?!?@>!>?@!?!
This is one of the 1st hosues he looked at:
Orchard Court
Portman Square London, EN W1H 6LG United Kingdom
$18,273,717 USD / £11,750,000 GBP
OKAY, so it a magnifique apratment is... but $18M?!?!?!?! Not tres bien. Tres bad.
LUCKILY he fuond many wery chic hosues such as tihs one in New Road, LONDRES E1 for a mutch more raisonable £1,500,000. Mutch better, and Morose is shure taht E1 is a wery trendy upmarket area of London.
He also found one in a jam factory(?!?!?!???!) witch despite teh odd setting was wery modern & chic & Morose lieked it mutch. PLUS it only £950,000 only was, whitch mutch reasonabable is. It in somewhere called "SE1" is. Meroise does not know where this is, but assumes it must be in North West London. And Mierose assumes he would much free jam samples get from teh jam factory, which would be tres bien.
He also tihs one in "SE26" lieks.. ALMOST worthy for Moarose!!1!
But tehn.. Morose had a REALISATION. He was settling for 2nd best. Maybe evwen 3rd best. And tihs Mojorse will NEVER do. NEVER. OH NO, mes amis, he will not be sidelined or bested. He must be teh bestest. As he teh gratest geynius is.
SO, he decidinated, whatever teh cost, he will teh most expensive hosue in Londres get. Even if it bankrupts him & he in it in penury for teh rest of his life ahs to live. It wuold be worht it.
SO, tehn he looked again at teh wobsite. He saw tihs one in Kensington for £30,000,000 but Moarhoce will NOT be fooled into buying a MERE apratment for taht much muny, no siree.
But tehn he saw TIHS PLACE:
And it magnifique is.
Finally, a hosue worthy of Morose!! He will not skulk in teh shadows!!!1! He will not be beaten or 2nd bested!! NO SIREE,. He will his CitationJet to London tomorrow flyinate, and buy teh hosue immeadiatly. Watch tihs space...........
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