Saturday, 20 June 2009

KIDNAPPED!! by teh TEMPLARS!! At least, that the story Mjurhowse Ugliè will tell is.

Anyway mon ami Aglie he is coming to Montreal to Muruse see and teh routes des vins together dirivinate arround in Mjerhyse his hired Rolls Royce. But Merrowse, he not yet to Aglie has explained why and how he teh meeting of teh secret society most secret in a hurry unexpectidly left. Muirowse, he does not want Uglie to think that Murriwse lefft  as he them was fooling, and need to get away before they found out. But what to say??!?!

AHAH! That, it is it, mes amis! Mjuroswe, he will them tell that he kidnapped by teh templars was! YES mon ami, that geynius Murrowse he can see it all now -- that is why he a grate geynius is. He will them tell that the Templars kidnapped Mearrowse when the secret society mememebrs there backs were turned. This, this will let Mjuroase off teh hook. Also, it them will make think that the claims de Muirhyse, they MUST be genuine. OR why would teh templars him try to kindapinate?

Then he them will tell how Muirrowse the Grand MAster outwitted, and away got. Such a tale of genuisness, daring and great inteeligence!! It almost a pity it true is not.

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