Tuesday, 16 June 2009


MES AMIS, Mjérhiüse he has just break fast haded at his hotel most magnifique in montreal where staying he is. Well, it much better than many of the other hôtels which Maerwose le genie has wiht his presence graced. For one thing, the hôtelier a grate geynius like Mjoreuse is!!

Well, Mjoruse wiht teh food here much impressed is. Normally, Meorwse for brake fast often just bacon and eggs to have has. AND often even that, that he cannot get done porpelly! Well not here mon ami!! NO, mon amis, here Murise had a breakfast most magnifique!!! To start with he ha a cafe au lait and brioche, just to Mjorrrhîse up wake. Then he on to a truffle omlette moved, washed down wiht 1976 Moët et Chandon "Vintage Brut Dom Pérignon Oenothèque Blanc" Champagne, then on to caviar, smoked salmon and oysters wiht MORE of teh champagne. Thne, he had some orange juice to this wash down, then pains au chocolat and pains aux raisins wiht lots of cafe au lait!! LOTS of cafe au lait, to Mjorhese help wake up..

Photo by T. Chu

Then he decided to test M. l'hôtelier to see just how much of a geynius he is. SO, instead of talking to him in ENglish, Mjorise talked to him in ETRUSCAN, a wery obscure language wot not many poeple know. "Bonjour, comment êtes-vous ce matin?" Mjoreése asked. And amazing! M. l'Hôtelier he also Etruscan knew, and much fluent was!! "Très bien, monsieur, et vous?" he asked. Well, Maehryose this was able to answer but then M. l'Hotelier had more to say but alas even le grate geynie Muarose he not as fluent in Etruscan was.

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