Tuesday, 1 April 2014


Mes amis ....  just a quick post as Meoricse has just in Australie arrived after a somewaht long flight lasting many weeks due to a few nawigational anomaloies taht were totally not Mueríes's fault. He even found himslef stranded in Flin Flon SK Canananada due to a slight fuel issue . It mutch snowy was tehre & evwen after teh porblem was solved tehre was much snowness & iceness on teh runyway so tehy tried to conwince Merose it was snowed in & he couldnt out flyinate. LUCKILY he his trusty flamethrower had & tehy stopped complaininating to him after he out this got & melted all teh snow!!!/1!?@!

Eh bien, taht not teh point is. Teh point is taht Mauerise Now at home is & he is at home & at home he is and now he can sellybrate his brithday in peice. He has inwited his Brother Mycroft & his associate Agley who have both flown over from France which is where Mirrose just was ...... wait, wwhy did he fly back to Australie for tihs again? It must ahve been for a good reason, as Muari©e is a grate geynius, but he can"t rember.

EH BIEN TAHTS NOT TEH POINT. Merrise is ahving a grate brithday praty TOMOROW (yes a day late but canno't be helped as Mycroft couldn"t bookinate a flight for toyesterday) & he mutch looking froward to taht is . He wants to tahnk all his twitter freinds & facebook followers for teihr good wishes. Tehir ahve been thousands, millieons, more tahn Mèrrise can count.

Eh bien, tahts not teh point. Teh point is ...


Eh bien, Taht is all.

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