Anyway, evwen though his associate & fellow inwestigator Agley is currently on holiday in Antigua, Mearowse carries on wiht his inwestigations. Recently his inwestigations lead him from Buenose Aires to Snan Fran Cisco to New Yoerk city. Tahts right mes amis -- teh New York City in teh Untied SStats of Amrica! (Not teh one in Belgium).
Merwçe managed to find out taht teh Templars ahve a sekrit hideaway rite under teh city, rite under Grand Central Station in fact! Muorose found teh Entrance to tehse Dread Caverns & teihr inner dark sekrits explorinated!!!!
Muerise OF COARSE had his iPHONE & teh batery wasnt dead & he has recently figured out how to use teh camera on this marwellous dewice (ITS FIENDISGHLY DIFFICULT BUT LUCKILY MEROISE IS A GEYNIUS SO HE IT WORKED OUT EWENTUALLY).
Meurise stumbles across a procession of Templars
& manages to take an iPHONE pic before hiding
An antichamber in teh catecombes.
Muerwose of course has much more photos than just these but of cuorse he cant them all share here. He also managed to stumble across teihr sekrit Templar library (fiendishly hidden behind a sign saying "LIBRARY") which Mueriose managed to find even though it wery sekrit & hidden is by following teh signs marked "LIBRARY TIHS WAY".
Meurise quickly raced trhough teh library before he was detected & managed to find some wery waluable & sekrit Templar volumes which explain teihr organisation & its evil plans in much detail,. Meurise tried to smuggle tehm out of teh library but a librarian told him off & made him get a library card & take them out "liek a normal library user"(!!?!!@1!!)/ Muaerise was of course much nervous as he was worried taht teh Templars would race in & find Moaerrioce but luckily teh didnt.
Ladden down wiht such rare Manuscripts, Mearuise tehn made his way towards teh Grand Central Hall & found a crack in teh wall through witch he was abel to observinate most of a sekrit Templar ceremony before he had to leave becuaese Moerise his stoumach was starting to Grumble & also he a reserwation at teh {"PER SE": restorant .
Merise at this restorant enjoyinated a magnifique 8 course meal wiht many bottels of whine &* tehn he decided he should write an account of his adwenture so he brushed all teh leftover plates & glasses & cuttelry & candlesticks onto teh ground, whipped out his MACBOOK & started typinating.
OH NOES TEH MAIRTRE D'HOTEL IS SHOUTING AT MERISE & WORNGLY CLAIMING HE SHOULDNT HAVE BRUSHED EVERYTIHNG OFF ONTO TEH FLOOR. Stupid nongeynius Maitre-'d-hotel. Moarise is a geynius & thus can do wahtever he wants.
Eh bien. Moerise knew he was sitting on sutch explosively exciting Material taht he should leave new york city before he it published. SO, pursued by teh Maitre'd'hotel, teh chef, teh sommelier and several waiters, Merrise made rapidly for the door & headed to his hotel, not even stopping to pay teh bill. He then proceeded to a car daelership & boughted a DODGE CHALENGER with (6.4 L) V8 engine & 6 speed manuel gearbox -- FAST ENOUGH TO OUTPACE EVWEN TEH MOST DETERMINED TEMPLAR. Luckily Merise managed to awoid paying for tihs too,.
Teh he drovinated to Quêbec City, Canada, not dropping in speed below 120 mph teh whole way. Witch currently is presently where he now is right now at teh moment./
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