- built in 1792
- 230 rooms
- 150 bed rooms
- 3 librarys
- grand dining room can seatinate 300
- kitchens ahve a range big enough to cook for 450
- 15 acres of formal grardens
- 20 acres of wineyard (POUR LE ROUGE (AOC PAUILLAIC), 18 acres -- 75 % Cabernet Sauvignon; 5 % Merlot; 5% Petit Verdot; 5% Cabernet Franc; POUR EL BLANC (AOC BOREDAUX) 2 acres -- 60 % Semillon; 30 % Suavignon; 10 % Muscadelle)
- a "chai' (Whinery) wiht lots of barels & destemmers & other stuff whitch Agley understands but Merise doesnt (it is too trivial for the attention of a geynius anywhey!@)
Merise hates to boast but it a bargain for €340,211,965.95 was!!!! Money well spent. Especially as Merise charged it to teh TEMPLARS!!!!!! Mais oui, Merise did not himslef pay for it. It is payed for by teh TEMPLARS. Tehy will be annoyed if tehy notice tihs 'anomaly' on tehir accounts.
Eh bien, Merise cares not. He an exciting thyme is having. All of the past few weeks, trucks ahve been arrivinating with antique furniture, old master paintings & antiquarian esoteric books for to furnish tihs unique hide-away so taht it fit for a geynius is. & Merise has seen it & seen taht it is good.
He has also taken some thyme to meet his neightbours in neighbouring chateaux but tehy are not geyniuses & unaccountably are mostly french. Mérise thoughted that most boredeaux chateau were owned by English, Belgian & Chinese merchants! Eh bien, it is not so.
Still, Merise now needs to appoint a gardener & a whinemaker. He wonders wherre he will find a whinemaker in Boredeaux. Cannot be many locally!!!!!
OH YES & Merise & Agley are still off battling templars. Aglie is starting to REALLY GET ON MERISES NERVES especialy teh way he keeps patting down his jacket to keep it all nice & perfect and wrinkle free, and teh way he keeps looking at his fob watch, and his rediculous littel agate ring but of cuorse Merise is a geynius & can take tehse littel provocations in his stride. Eh .... .... Merise ahs forgotted teh point. OH YES, his chateau is chic. Taht is all.
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