Friday, 3 August 2012

Mierose his new Greenwitch hosue.

MES AMIS ..... as yuo might rember, Mwerise has arrivinated in sunny Londres on 25ht July 2012 AD. He mutch excitinated to see his new London hosue was , but tehre porblems imeadiately were:
  • Tehre no furniture was. Mwerise by tihs was mutch annoyed, as he had lieked teh furniture taht in teh hosue was & naturally assuminated taht tihs wiht teh house came.
  • Tehre no food in teh fridge was. Morrise naturally assuminated taht teh fridge wuold be left stocked wiht luxury food for him. But tehre wasnt even a fridge!!!1!.
  • Teh Olélympics had some stupid :"OPENING CEREMEONY" wiht fierworks taht him awake all night kept. He much annoyinated by tihs was , & tried to Lodge a NOISE COMPLIANT but teh polis at him just luaghinated.
Since he at London arrived at 1:45 AM he was TOO LATE to buyinate dinner at a restorrant, and TOO LATE to buy fruniture. SO he & Aglei had to go wihtout diner & sleep on teh floor. Mirrose was of cuorse much annoyinated.

Teh wery next day (Auguest 26th) he was abel to go shopping at teh most exlcusive antiques shoppes to mutch furniture buyinate to make his hosue wery luxurious. He also abel to buyinate food , and find teh bestest restorrants in teh region,.

ALSO Mórrise has himslef a new Jagular XF boughted. Teh one wiht teh 5,0L V8 SC engine. And teh Bowers & Wilkins suond system. Muariwse wiht it mutch happy is & even Agliè it mutch likes.

Eh bien. Morrise had mutch excitment in finding antique fruniture for teh hosue. He many wery beautiful peices from the late 19th Centrury found, and a few wery beaitiful peices from teh Elizabeth I period. Including a lovely oak sideboard witch wery lovely is.

Morrise & Agly went for a walk in Greenwitch park & it mutch nice is. Agley & Morise also founded a wery nice cafe near Miruce his house & their brakefast have had many times. One mroning over brakefast (bacon, eggs, coffee) Agley explaininated taht the Olélympics are a Templar conspirarcy. Mworoce will be inwestigatinating teh ... wery interwesting links between teh templars, teh rosicrucians & teh olylympics. He will alowinate Aglié too tag along too..  He will more post abuot tihs here -- as tehy say in Amorica -- watch tihs space...!!!!1!!>??!!!!.,

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