Eh bien. A few days ago when we in a cafe were around sitting ahving brakefast, Agly explaininated that teh Olémpic Games were in fact a Templar Conspiraracy. Mierose insistatinated taht tihs we must indeed of cuorse check out. SO Aglei booked us boht tickets to a badmington matche so taht we into teh olélympic stadium could sneak in undectinated. Mirose had to pretendinate to be interested in badminton: quite a difficult ask, even for a geynius such as Mororse (littel known fact: nobody is interested in badmington, not even the players). But some-how, he tihs remarkable feet managed.
Eh bien. Teh main point is taht Morose & Ageli were abel to buy "tickets": to an "ol;ympic ewent" & go a long just liek any ohter punter, & tehy stopped by teh Templars were not. Once inside, we abel to sneak away from teh game were, & wander around teh stadyium . Mirose quickly found a sekrit door witch lead down to stairs going down in a downwards direction. Mawrise & Agley were abel to take tehse stairs down to teh lower levels below teh Olélympic stadium & find many sekrit tunnels & rooms taht clearly were made by teh Templars for teihr own sinsiter, shady sekrit actiwities. Witch do not, of course, include badmington. Even teh Templars find badmington borring.
We wondered around for several days. After a few days it became clear taht we were lost & cuold not find teh way out. Even thuogh we little supplies had & were in grave danger of running out we our IMPROTANT work kept up. All taht we too intrepid explorers had were:
- Agley: 3 Mars bars, 1 ham sandwitch
- Muariçe: 1 half-bottel of champain (Krug Rôsè, OF CUORSE)
Mierose (grudgingly) agreed to sharinate teh shampain wiht Aglei.
EH BIEN. Taht not teh point is. Whilst in teh tunnels tehy many interwesting Templar sekrists fuond. Aglei stumbled across a heap of discareded sekrit manuscripts withc we purloined. We also managed to infiltrate a sekrit Templar meeting & hide up teh back making notes abuot their diabolical plans for London for teh next 2,000 years following on from teh Olylmpiucs. Tehse included many sekrit & devious plans including:
- Replacing teh Lord Mayor of London wiht an unelected Templar
- Forcing teh banks to engage in unethical & Riskey trading taht wuold bring teh entire finantcials system to its knees, allowing teh Templars to step in & Take control (seems unliekly theylll manage tihs!!!!1!)
- Increase the cost of taxi rides by 1.118211111111% (Agleu says teh number 1,118,211,111,111 is of GRATE significants to Teh Templars but wont say why. Stupid nongeynius.)
EH BIEN. Mirose is planning to stay in London for a few more days, tehn fly to New York. More soon.
A bientot!!!?!?!!!