Thursday, 1 December 2011

WHine-making @ castello di mëerhise, castello romana

Mes amis... as some of you might ahve noticed, two tihngs have hapened recently:

  • Muarhose has gotted in contact once again whiht his non-geynius friend Aglie
  • Mierhiçe ahs gone to his castel in castello romani wiht Aglei, to make Maurhoses famuos wines. And bottel teh wines from 2009.
Moerhose has been finding tihs much tedius. It means taht he in his Castelli-Romani castel for several weeks has had to be. This much trying for Muerhose is. He does not to in one place for more than 8 days at a time be. Luckily, tihs is not normally hard, as he so many hosues has. But at teh moment, he here must stay. NOT GOOD MES AMIS.

Also, Algiê has been bohtering Muarhose wiht Many triviliaties taht are below a grate mind such as Morose. Although teh wines are Merhises' , and he responsible for all teh important whine making is , he expectinated tah Aglŷ would get on wiht teh TRIVIAL day--to--day stuff taht concerns Muarose not. And yet, he insistinates taht Morhoose must help wiht tihs!! IT's all, Morhise, just help operate tihs pump, Muarhose, help fill tihs barrel. Wahtever. Morhose cares not.

And Aglei is still tryinating to find teh Templar map he tihnks Marhose has. It too tedious is. Maybe Muarhose will ahve to finally admitinate taht he doesn;t ahve it.... but tehn.... may be Aglei would stop being Marhoses freind, & stop helping with teh cooking, winemaking, & cleaning. Hm... so. Bad idea. Moarhose tihnks he will keep queit about tihs one for now.

But teh tediousiousness is for Marhose to much getting. He is planninating to escape to his Rhôme apratment rael soon mes amis... wahtch tihs space.

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