Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Dinner at teh estancia

Mes amis... dinner tonight was roast venison with blackberry and juniper sauce. Since Morose he could not decidinate which whine to have, he HAD BOTH, teh '84 Henschke Hill of Grace AND '96 Domiane Leroy Pommard Les Vignots. You may all tihnk taht taht sounds like a dinner most magnifique... but....

it is NOTHING, NOTHING mes amis,, in comparison to teh banquet Morause has planneded for tihs Sunday evening,, wehn he will inwite a few local neighbours for a dinner most magnifique, before he back to Buenoes Aires heads. No, it is no use pleading... Murohse cannot any more guests accomodatinate.

All he will say for now is taht teh diner will include:
  • 12 courses, including venison, pheasant, fois gras, caviar...
  • 29 different whines
  • 5 first growht Bordauxs
  • 6 grand cru burgundies
  • for after,,, Mearise his FAMUOS macarons and coffee.

Eh bien. Murhose must get back to it planning. And he must ring Ratatoskr back to discuss some wery improtant busines taht has come up in his home town of Paris NSW Australie. MORE SOON MES AMIS.

1 comment:

Ratatoskr said...

Having to talk to Maurice on the phone TWICE in ONE DAY -- can things get any worse? Can't think of how. Maybe actually having to meet that man. Shudder. Unthinkable.

Yours nuttily,