Monday, 17 May 2010

2009 Castello di Murrhyse: teh whines

Aglié has porvided Mwrise wiht a list of teh grate whines that Castello di Mwurise has producinated from teh 2009 wintage. Teh list was written by Aglié, so Murrhose must apologiese for teh many speling mistaekes taht Agly (a lesser mind tahn Mirose) has made.

So, wihtout further adieu, here is teh list of whines. Get your pens raedy to order ALL OF TEHM!!

Ultra-Premium wines

2009 Castello di Maurice ‘Il Genio del Vino’ Castelli Romani DOC Rosso
Price: €40.00
Release date: July 2012
A blend of Sangiovese, Merlot and Montepulciano. Inspired by the Genius of Maurice de Perfossor. Wines made from a blend of Sangiovese, Montepulciano and other red grapes were discussed by a Templar manuscript written in 1621, and were apparently a favourite of the Grand Master of that time.

2009 Castello di Maurice ‘The Rosey Cross’ Castelli Romani DOC Rosato
Price: €30
Release date: July 2010
Our premium rosé, made in a style described in an ancient Rosicrucian manuscript. A blend of Sangiovese and Cesanese.

2009 Castello di Maurice ‘La Spada di Seta’ Castelli Romani DOC Bianco
Price: €35.00
Release date: July 2011
A light yellow wine that says little, but reveals much. According to ancient Templar traditions, this type of wine was drunk every year at Templar banquets to mark Easter and the end of Lent. A blend of Malvasia, Trebbiano Romagnolo and Trebbiano di Soave.

2009 Castello di Maurice ‘Il Gran Maestro del Vino’ Colli Albani Superiore DOC
Price: €30
Release date: July 2010
Made from a blend of Trebbiano Romagnolo and Trebbiano di Soave. Based on a description from a 7th century Templar manuscript.

2009 Castello di Maurice ‘Sacra Piramide’ IGT Lazio
Price: €30.00/half bottle
Release date: July 2012
Named after a secret Templar conspiracy from the 16th century, which... but I’ve told you too much already. Made from Chardonnay and Verdelho grapes from a plot I found near the edge of the estate that had been neglected and had grown wild. A sweet wine, made from Botrytis affected fruit.

Premium wines

2009 Castello di Maurice Barbera/Syrah IGT Lazio
Price: €20.00
Release date: July 2011
An unusual blend, inspired by a side remark in a 7th century manuscript written by an obscure Templar herbalist.

2009 Castello di Maurice Sangiovese IGT Lazio
Price: €20.00
Release date: July 2010
The blood of Jove! That reminds me of a plot by the Templars in 12 AD to... but I can’t tell you that here.

2009 Castello di Maurice Verdelho IGT Lazio
Price: €20
Release date: July 2010
In 1821, the Templars again tried to set up a permanent headquarters in Portugal. All they gained out of it was an admiration for Verdelho wines, which the then Grand Master spoke of in his memoirs (privately published, and not circulated outside of Templar circles – until I found a copy in a Buenos Aires junk store...)

OKay, mes amis. Mwrise is sure taht you will of all of tehse whines LOTS order. To order, it is simple. Send Mwerise a fax or ring him on his telefone:

Castello di Mirowse:
Fax: +39 06 uh....
Telephone: +39 06 ah, er..., I know this one, its err....
Mirrhose de Perfosor:
Mobile (France): +33 6 err...
Mobile (Australia): +61 4 um.... okay, so I cant rember eihter of tehse eihter.

OKAY. So Mwrise canot his phone numbers rember rite now. He WILL updateinate tihs post once he has asked Aglíe to of tehse Trivial details him remind.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Castels in Italy, and Whine Making at Castello di Murose

MES AMIS!!!!1! MY FREINDS!!!1! Mwrise was jusrt discusinating anohter castel in Italy purchasing wehn Agly remindeded Mwrise taht he anohter castel in Italy already owns (in Umbria)!! And he has not yet wisited it! It a MUCH anceint Templar castel is, wiht Many sekret tunnels and Rooms, so Mirrhose & Agly must it soon wisit to inwestigate.

Mirrhose & Agly teh past few weeks at teh grate whines of Castello di Mirrhose ahve been at looking, and decidinating wihc ones are good and how to them blend & bottel. Of course, Mirrose most of teh REAL work has been doing. He spent ALL DAY watching a barel to ensure it did not roll away, wihlst Agly wasted his time wiht so-called "blending triails". Unimportant!! Ocaisionally he a glass of blended whine to Mirrose brought so Miurose could it teh benefit of his geynius give, and Mwruse did so. Agly usualy left with a somewaht pained expression, for some raison.

ANYWAY, All taht Matters is (1) Teh fine whines of Castello di Mwjreçe will be TEH BESTEST WHINES EVER, EVER, EVER, and   (2) You raed tihs here FIRST. Mirrjose will post a List of Whines, along wiht Prices and Tasting notes here Wery Wery Soon.

Also, Mirrose & Agly are a trip to Australie (Mirroses home land) TOGEHTER planning for wery soon. Watch tihs space.!! (Tihs can happen as Mirose his bon ami Kevin Rud has teh littel porblem Mirose had wiht teh Fedrel Polise sorted out!)