Thursday, 1 October 2009

Mejrÿße le geynius, blogging LIVE from his FLIGHT to AUSTRALAIALAI!

Mes amis, Mjerhise is EVEN NOW in flight to Australiaialialai. It seems , that as part of a bid to "make Atterrissage Forcé seem as if it were a safe, comfortable, modern airline" (to their PR material quoteinate) they have now free WIFI internat on their hairyplanes have installinated. And about this Mjereuse much glad is.

Well, he on his way home to Australiaiailaialialailailllailailaia is. And wonce he is there, in Melborne & Adelaide he will for secret Templar cells look. As it a much delicate & secret operation is, he will LIVE updates by twitter be sendininating! Rember Mjerÿhse his twitter user name: it @mauricelegenie is!!1!

After this, he to his hosue in Paris, Australialia will for several weeks go for a nice relaxing rest, before to Paris going & a few weeks in his cosy flat on Rue Mouffetard spending. At teh moment, he is thinking he will not go back to his Castel in Italy until next January, he wants to Christmas in teh South of France spendinate.

WELL, Mjerhyuse he must stop typing as now teh brake fast teh air stewardesese are around bringing. Looks like it coffee and croissants is. Mjerwse, he hopes that his croisssants arent burnt & too hot and his coffee weak & too cold are, like that gentleman in teh row in fron of him....

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