And exciting things are happening, mes amis!! Mirowse his neighbour from teh south of france and good ami Agliè is in teh region once again!!!! So Miororse, he has for dinner tomorrow over invited him!
Miorowse, he is not certain what for dinner to cookinate!!! He could make Cassolulet with EXTRA duck AND goose, or he could Bouillabaisse make, or maybe he could make Vegemite on toast. Mmmm... Vegemite.
Ah well, he to his dinner with his good freind Aglie cannot wait. Whatever Mioriwse decideds to cook, it a TRIUMPH will be (especially the vegemite on toast, mes amis!).!!! He just hopes that Agly he will not Muirose askinate again about teh secret map of teh Knights Templar castle that Muiorose lied and claimed he had...
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