Friday, 20 February 2009

The perfect dinner with the perfect host

Ah ha! Muirise, his little grey cells have been hard at work! YES, mes amis! He has a MENU for tomorrows dinner with Aglie worked out! And HE SHOPPING has been!! SO now its just a matter for MUIRIRSE to the INGEREDIANTS put together, and then he a TRIUMPH of a dinner will have!!!1!

Muirrhyse, he will Aglie be able to show that he (Muirowse) being such a grate geynius from his past mistakes has lerninated. Such as teh time Aglie invited Muirroswe for dinner around, and the the blackcurrent cordial with him took, rather than the Romanée-Conti wine. This time Muiiroswe will only the best of French wines lay on! Muirrgyse has around his cellar in his chateau in teh south of france looked around, and many good wines has he there foundinated:
Old wine cellar
including 1979 Romanée-Conti La Tâche,
1978 Château Margaux Premier cru,
1965 Château Cheval Blanc Premier Grand Cru Classé (A),
1889 Château Margaux Premier cru
1958 Château Ausone
1851 Château d'Yquem Premier Cru Supérieur Sauternes
ANd Muirhyse has just the perfect meal to with all this beautiful wine most beautiful go!!! Yes, mes amis, he has decided he will serve the Vegemite and toast. Also, he some some Pavlova from teh local supermarket for less than €5 has bought!! And since this such a theme Australien has, Murrhyse also has a bottel of 1971 Penfolds Grange Hermitage bought, so that this theme it can be kept up.

Muuiruuse he is certain that mon ami Aglie this dinner most maqnifique will love! He overwhelmed will be! Such wines! Such vegemite!! He speachless with pleasure will be!!!

Five bottles of Bordeaux Grands Crus


Vegemite on toast


un triumph for MAURHHYSE!!

At Home with Muwryse!

Mes amis, Muearaeuruease is once again in his hosue & home in Armidale, France is. Ah! How overjoyed he to be back is! It is tres bien! He this place has missed much. He enjoyed his drive home ,even if it did end with his car new (teh Catherham) around a tree wrapped -- Miourose much disapointed about this was, and a NEW one will have to buyinate.

And exciting things are happening, mes amis!! Mirowse his neighbour from teh south of france and good ami Agliè is in teh region once again!!!! So Miororse, he has for dinner tomorrow over invited him!

Miorowse, he is not certain what for dinner to cookinate!!! He could make Cassolulet with EXTRA duck AND goose, or he could Bouillabaisse make, or maybe he could make Vegemite on toast. Mmmm... Vegemite.

Ah well, he to his dinner with his good freind Aglie cannot wait. Whatever Mioriwse decideds to cook, it a TRIUMPH will be (especially the vegemite on toast, mes amis!).!!! He just hopes that Agly he will not Muirose askinate again about teh secret map of teh Knights Templar castle that Muiorose lied and claimed he had...

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Bonjour à nouveau!

well mes amis you all will much glad to be to know that your favorite freind Maurose de Pirofssor has to his hosue & home in Armidale, France once again it back made. Alas, he the Eurostar train never found, but when he around for it was walking looking, he somehow in Dover ended up and so the ferry to France able to take was.

Once in France, he a Caterham Seven R500 was for himself able to buy. At 150mph, the trip back home it did not much long take. Teh drive it not without incident was.

Murroiwse he buy teh Gendarmerie stopped was, he asked the GEYNIUS muirowase to see a thing called a "driving license". Murrohse knew not of what he talked, Muirrhyse one of these does not have!!! Luckilly teh R500 can from 0 - 60 mph in 2.88 seconds go, so Muirrohwse he pretendinated that his "DRYVING LISENCE" (whatever it is) in teh car was and then got in and off WERY WERY WERY fast drovinated. Why should a geynius such as Murrhoswe with TRIVIA like DIRVING LYCENCES himslef have to concern???

Well MES AMIS that is all for today. But despair not! Muirrowse has many more adventures with witch to regale you! Vous parler de lui très bientôt!