Mes amis, Muarise in Paris Australia for Christmas being is much enjoying it. In Armidale France the weather it is 4C, in Paris Australia the wether it is 24C. Murrise is glad about those extra 20 degrees celciuc mes amis!
Still, today Muirrhyçe for a drive in his HILUX went. He was around the highways and bighways (er, or is that hyways and byways spelt?????? MUAIROßE he CANNOT rember!!!) of Paris Austrtalia for a drive went. Well, he much pleased to see how the citizens of this pleasant and beautiful city most pleasant and beautiful have their most famous & favoured resident commemememememeemememeorararatedded!!!! Look, mes amis!! Vous devez voir ça!!
Eh bien, mes amis, is it not a sight for sore eyes is?? It is true, it most beautiful is!!!
Hmm..... talking of driving mes amis, Mirrose he cannot rememeber --- is it in Australia that you are meant on the left or the right of the road meant to drivinate? Muiorose knows that in FRANCE one must on teh left of teh road drivinate, but in AUSTRALIA, well mes amis now he cannot any more remember. Maybe it the right is that on which you meant to drive are. Still, these trivial details most trivilal do not a geynius like Muairose concern!!! HE rises above all of them!
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