Wednesday, 24 September 2008


Mes amis, it has been long too long since Muawruse a post on his weblogue most estemmed has a post made! Well, dear readers, you need worry no more! Maerhyse he is back.

Alas, Muyrwise he was for many days lost. In August late, he for a pint of milk went out to buy. Well, this he managed fine enough mes amis, but he on his way back got lost! So he walked for days and days, mes amis, weeks even, before finally getting back to his hosue&home last night. Well, Muaowse can just draw some comfort from the fact that this sort of inconwenience, to Muairuse it does not happen often.

Eh bien, that is all for now folks. Soon Mauwruse will be from Paris Australia to Armidale France be going. Wish him for his flight luck!

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