Monday, 28 July 2008

Dinner with Agliè!!

Mes amis, the dineer to which mon ami Agliè invited Mauerowse, it was not an unmitigated triumphf for Murrhise. It all started badly when Maurise he the blackcurrent cordial with him took, rather than the Romanée-Conti wine. Aglie, aparently he would have the wine preferered.

Still, Mon Ami Aglie he at least some of his own wine had to with Miurhuse share. Miureise regaled Àglìè with many of Muyruse his tales of adwenture about the many times Murrise he has been stranded and lost in remote places. He was mid way throiugh a tale of Miuwryse his time in Norway, when mon ami Aglei he became most agitated, and said he rememebered an ergent matter with which he must attend.

Still, Murise is never disappointed when his friends suddenly have to ask him to leave for no apparent raison. Murise he had enjoyed an evening most magnifique, apart from these few minor mishaps. Aglie and Muiwryse they discussed many interesting things, and shared much knowledge unique and estoric. Aglie told Muawryse all about the Knights Templar, and Muawryse he told Aglei all about line dancing in Switzerland and Swaziland, and also all about Muirise hs NEW SECOND HAND CAR,, teh DODGE.

Ah well, Muirase he is certain that he will with Mon Ami Aglie get to on many occiasions in the future have many exciting and stimulatiting discussions. Muarise, he cannot wait!

Thursday, 24 July 2008

Visitng Paris Australia soon!

Mes amis! Mawriuse he is hard at work preparing his université courses. It, it is just routine work for a geynius such as Muriusçe. Still, he is enjoying in his house most beautiful in teh south of France once again being.

Tonight, he is going to visit the home of his neighbour Agliè, who he in Armidale, France met only just recently. My new friend Agliè has Muarise invited over for dinner, and Maurise cannot wait! Only, Muawriçe, he is only uncertain what to take with him. Would mon ami Agliè prefer a bottle of Romanée-Conti Pinot Noir (of which Maerowse seems to have lots in his cellar here), or maybe he would a bottle of Blackcurrant cordial? Murise, he cannot decide!!!

But the good news does not stop, mes amis! Murrhyse he recently an invitation to speak at the University of Paris Australia ( received!!! This, it is the University in the town in Australia where Muirhy∫e he a home has! Well, mes amis, get ready for the news most exciting: Muyrise is coming to australia next month, and will a talk on "Elephants and Iguanas in Viking and Pre-Viking Norweigan Art" be giving. Watch out for detials on exactly when & where this talk it will be held at!

For those who have not the pleasure of a visit to PARIS Austaliaia had, here here is a map from mon ami google showing where it is in Australia:

View Larger Map

Eh bien, mes amis, Murrhyse must a flight there book soon. No cattle class for Maurowçe this time! No, meurhoouse he will KWONTAS FIRST CLASS be flyinating this time!

Watch this sapce! Muawrise will you keep infromed!

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Back in the South of France!!!!!

Well, mes amis, it was a long drive back to Armidale France to Maerrhyse his house keys for his house in the south of france pick up. But now, Muroce he has them. And Mawryse he is now safe in his house & home in teh south of france once again.

Soon, Maerowse will of his adventures walking to Armidale France write so that his raeders most devoted can all about it raed. ALso, he must his new course "HIS987 The Norse Gods and Oral Hygiene: A study of Dental Wash and Dental Floss Usage Before AD 1100" for hte Université du Délire Iguane prepare.

But now, mes amis, murrhise he must get some sleep. It was too long a drive, mes amis, too long!

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Oh no!!!!!

Mes amis, Mawrêyce he just at his home in teh south of france once again arrivenated. Well, he was to be back home once again much happy.

But alas! Woe! When he his house keys picked up to unlock his front door, he noticed that they were scaly, not metallic. Also, the keys they started to snigger. Mårrowse much shocked was. Then the keys wriggled out of Murrhuses hands, and ran away into the garden. Oh no! It, it was not the house keys de Murise! It, it was the chameleon in disguise again!!

Well, Murrhise he knows not what to do. He only one option now has. He must to his house in Armidale France return, and get the real keys of his south of france home. Then he must once more drive back to teh south of france.

Well, mes amis, Muiuruse he is in his old Dodge car sitting right now. Once he on this post has hit the "PUBLISH POST" button, he will then put aside his laptop comptutor and to Armidale France drive off again once more.

Wish him luck, mes amis!!!

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Back in Amridale France!!

Well, mes amis, Maerhuse he is très perturbé to in Amridale once more again be! He left here only a few days ago to to his house in teh south of France go.

But alas! Catastrophe! When he there got, he found that he had the keys for his south of france house in Armidale France left!

So Maerowse he got into his car, and to Armridale once again drove. And now he is in teh living room of his Armidale hosue. HEre, there are two sets of keys on the mantelpiece and Maeurose he has his correct huose keys grabbed, and now Muwrhyse he must bid his raedership loyal adieu, aas he off to teh south of france once again once more drives. This time with his house keys!!!!

Sunday, 6 July 2008

Second hand car blues, mes amis!

Maewrose, he is on his way back to his chateau most magnifique in teh south of france. Moiruse, he will much be looking forward to getting bakc.

Yesterday, he a car second hand bought in a used car uaction run by teh local polise department -- alas this car it is not as good as Muawryse his rolls royse. It, it a 1974 Dodge Monaco sedan is. But MUIURHHEÇE he does not his credit cards have wiht him, so it will have to do.

Eh bien, this car new it has a cop motor, a 440-cubic-inch plant. Also, it it has cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks. It, it is a model made before catalytic converters is so it it will on gas regular run. Muiurice he just needs to the cigarette lighter fix. Then it, it will be good. However, Maerhose cannot imagine that this car, it will survive long. Probably it, it will fall apart when Murrhyçe he to his destination arrives.

Maerise his new car
Photo by Soldermelons

Well, Miuroçe many a tale of his journey long has to tell! How he hitched lifts on open train carraiges, and borrowed cars from freindly towns when he them needed. He walked for many days, and drove or rode for many more. He knew not where he was! Eh bien, he at last to his heath and home his way back found. Just the worng house, mes amis.

Now he must be off again, off to the south of france! Wish him bon voyage, mes amis!

Thursday, 3 July 2008

My friend new Agliè

Mes amis, Meawrose is his stay in teh north of fRance much enjoying. Still, he is to his house in teh south of frAnce much looking forward to getting back home.

And it is about this that Murrhise he wants to write. Mon ami, you may rememeber well that time when Miruse he went for an evening walk near his home in the SOUTH of france, and made a few wrong terns and somehow Murroswse he in the NORTH of france ended up. Well, that walk mes amis was so Miurruse could his neighbours there meet.

Well, imagine the suprise de Mwerrhyse when he bumpted into a gentlemen here who he is a neighbour of in teh SOUTH of france! This man, his name it is M. Agliè, and Mierowse much happy to make his acquantance is. We of many things talked, including the Knights Templar and the high cost of velcro (M. Agliè thinks that this, it is a conspiracie most evil of The Bavarian Illuminati!).

Well, sadly mon nouvel ami had to teh south of france again go back very suddenly, in mid conversation in fact (we had just got to the bit where Maerowse he was his book the Mouth Wash of the Gods going to discuss). Still, Mairuse looks forward to seeing him in the south of france once again much!