Saturday, 3 May 2008

Rescued, mes amis, Rescued!

As predicted in these pages earlier in le week, it has happened mes amis Merose he has been resuced! Too brilliant to hide his light under a bush being trapped in a remote corner of the globe, the Genyius that is Merose got himself rescued at long last.

Gentle reader, it happened somewhat like this:

Merrhuse, he was having an animated discussion about Proust with a reindeer. When suddenly, there was a bright light in the sky, and everything around all around wery bright was. When finally Mawrise he could see again, Mawro∫e he saw it was a perfectly white, spherical space ship. Mawrhyse, he was much amazed. Eventually. a man with two heads out of the space ship came. Merose, he was even more amazaed. "Hi," this man he said, "I'm Zaphod. Heard you needed rescuing, yeah?" Merrise he agreed that this indeed was the case, as indeed it the case was.

Zaphod, he explained to Marose explanainitorially that the ship, she is call Le Coeur d'Or, and the ship she most beautiful is. ALmost as boutiful as Mawriuse himself! Almost, mes amis, but not quite.

Eh bien, it is good that Meroise he is finally rescued. Tomorrow, MEroise he will ask Zaphod to take Mawrise to Parise. Mareise thought he must let his readers most devoted know the wonderful news most wonderful. It is lucky theire is wireless internat on the Heart of Gold mes amis, not even Moriße's satttalite telephones can here a signal get!

MAWRUSE, blogging LIVE from THE HEART OF GOLD, which it is currently IN ORBIT of PLANET EARTH, in SPACE mes amis!

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