Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Mistake! Catistrophe!

Alas, Merrhyse has just realised that he in Croatia arrived a day earlie! This, it is not good. It also explains why Maruse, his interview on Craotian radio did not so well go. He was not there expected until this evening mes amis!

Also, he his book singeing in Albania missed. This is most tragique. Mewryse, he heard that well over five thousand people turnedd up to him there see. Eh bien, at least they copies of Mawrises book had -- they sold 11,000 copys of tEh Mouhtwash of the Gods! Merrhyse, he had only 3,000 copies singed in adwancve so many people they were disappointed.

Well, Meruse a book signg in Croatia tomorrow has to lok fowrard to. The book sellr, he told Meriçe that maybe as many as five (5!) poeple might turn up! Things are looking up, mes amis, things are looking up!

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