Any one want to guess where Maurice is now?
Go on, try!
Wrong. But Ratatoskr knows where Maurice is. Maurice is in the south of France. He hasn't realised it yet, but I guess he will have to eventually.
Oh yes, and that language the locals speak that Maurice cannot understand? It's French. Maurice cannot understand it because - whisper it - Maurice can't actually speak French.
Yours squirrelishly,
No Wagner for Ratatoskr? After the trauma of Mauriccce playing it while he crashed the helicopter in 'Apocalypse Right Now,' that is understandable!
Hi Shel,
Yes, Apocalypse Right Now was quite traumatic. Maybe you don't know but Ratatoskr was Maurice's stunt pilot for this film. This was a bad, bad mistake. Left me with many traumatic memories, not least the Wagner music. Guess I should have left it up to Veðrfölnir again. He is understanding of many things, including how to be a helicopter stunt pilot. The latter is one thing Ratatoskr does not know well. The other two stunt pilots were Hugin and Munin.
Ratatoskr has other reasons not to like Wagner too. He got a lot of his characters just wrong. The way he depicts me old mate Odin is just wrong, for example. As is the whole plot of his operas. I mean come on, it didn't really happen like that. I know! I was there! Wagner cut me out at the last minute though.
Your squirrely squirrel,
Hey, Apocalipse Right now was a film most excellent, mes amis! It is one of the films most favourite of Mawriçe. You in films must no taste have.
- M.
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