Sunday, 26 September 2021

In which a further mysterious message is received by your courageous correspondent, but he cannot be bothered to reply

Received Sat 25 Sept at 1:02 AM GMT+2:

 I guess that, in the distance future, phone numbers are hexadecimal. Or not, who knows with Maurice?

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

In which a mysterious message is received by your courageous correspondent, Mycroft (me)

 Text message communication received from Maurice de Perfossor, 2nd September 2019 at 03:19AM:

It was not until late February 2020 that I understood exactly what this message pertained to.

I have not heard from Maurice since then.

I have no doubt we will hear from Mr. de Perfossor, the so-called 'genyius', in 2022.

In the meantime, I have decided to co-opt his blog, for non-classified communications. That is all.