Saturday, 27 April 2013

Guest post from MYCROFT.

Bonjour tout le monde! Mycroft here.

Yes, I know I've been neglecting posting here. Naughty Mycroft. Busy at work. Of course. Always. Especially now there's an election in a few months. Not that it should be my concern. Strictly apolitical  me. Absolutely. At least, that's what I tell people. Some of them even believe me.

Anyhow, that, as Maurice would say, is not the point. Maurice is off galavanting around in Bordeaux (or Boredeau as he insists on spelling it = Bored water?). I hear he's even bought himself another Château. I should be horrified. I should. But somehow I'll manage to make it my new holiday home. I need a break from Canberra. After the election .... !

I've decided to break my veil of secrecy a little and tell you something about my house. A modest place, of course, can't be seen to be wasting tax payer's money.

This picture shows exactly what my house doesn't look like.
Pity. Perhaps when I retire?

I have a house just outside Canberra. I was lucky enough to get one of the earlier buildings in the area. The house was built in 1713, is a modest two story country house. One of the highlights is the cellar, a multi-roomed, multi-floored affair which gives acres of room to store my fine wine collection in perfect conditions! Latour, Haut Brion, Mouton Rothschild, Yquem... yes, and Burgundy, especially DRC ... I have a fondness for Romanée-Conti, and for Grands-Echezeaux. Lots of different vintages, even a few precious bottles of 1811 Yquem.

Okay, okay, I'm pulling your leg. There's no houses in or near Canberra dating from 1713 ... No European settlement here till the 19th century. But I do have a cellar. And a few bottles of 1811 Yquem.

I work for the Government. It's important work. Very. So of course that's all I can say. Sorry, nothing to see here. Move along now please.

Ahem. It does allow me to travel a bit, though. Hence being able to build up such a good wine cellar. Hence my small collection of 18th century watercolour paintings. Hence my modest library, with books dating back to 1631. 

I'd move to Maurice's "Boredeau" château in a heartbeat though. And he'll just forget about it. Perhaps when I retire? He won't remember it then. Lucky if he remembers it a week after he's left for one of his other houses ...

Oh well. Enough. Phone's ringing. It's the Boss. Another government crisis, no doubt...

Monday, 8 April 2013


MES AMIS ... Muariçe is still in Adelaide!!! He knows, it quite unusual is for him to stay in 1 plaice for so long ... he been here since early february has been .... most odd!

AND YET he has his thyme in Adelaïde mutch enjoyed. He enjoyinated wisiting teh WINERIES (teh ones taht arent evwil sekret TEMPLAR fronts taht is) & has enjoyed parading on Adelaídes wide & Sunny buolevards & sitting in teh many cafes engaged in stimulating intellectual discussion wiht agley & his nongeynius brohter mycroft

AND YET murise has finally got bored of Adelaide because he does not in one place like to be for sutch a long thyme. CUORSE all good things must to an end come & SO it is taht Moerose is decided to fly to Bordeaux wery, wery soon. To-morrow he will start Loadinating his hairyplane for teh flight, and tehn on teh 10th April (Whenever taht is, perhaps on 10/04/13? 11/04/13? 04/10/13?) he will to Boredeau flyinate wiht Aglié as his passenger (what a priveldge to be flowned by such a geynius pilot as MERISE!!!).

BUT TAHTS NOT TEH POINT ... teh point is tath Merise has much good thyme in Adelaied had & has many interesting tihngs about teh templars founded ... yets tahts right theyre wery active in Adëlaide  ........ no Merose cant more here say, not until hes safely out of Ädelaide & away from teihr evil machinations.

EH BIEN. It is so, Mes amis. Merise & Aglie must bid fond farewell to Adelaide, and Merise will shut up his charming littel AdelaidheHills hosue until sutch thyme as he back here is .... witch wont be long ,, mes amis, fear you not,,, definately later in teh year ,,,, Maybe  Augugst, DEcembre at teh latest, maybe!