Saturday, 30 June 2012


Mes amis... Mjerise has much amazinating things to relate to all his eager fans.

Eh bien... Morose on Malta a much amazinating discowery has discovered. Whilst he was here, he heard abuot something called "TEH MALTESER FALCON".

INITIALLY Meroçe thought taht this MALTESE FALCOLN a rare bird was, and asked teh locals where he cuold it see. But Agliè explained explanitorially taht actually it a rare sculpture was that was maded by teh TEMPLARS in 1539.

Aglíe quoted from his famuous book The Templars and the Secret History of Europe since 1300 : "In 1539 the Knight Templars of Malta, paid tribute to Charles V of Spain, by sending him a Golden Falcon encrusted from beak to claw with rarest jewels——but pirates seized the galley carrying this priceless token and the fate of the Maltese Falcon remains a mystery to this day."

HMMM... much intrigueinating, mes amis ....

Mes amis, Mierhose abuot this much thought. OKAY, OKAY so it had for many centruries been lost. BUT a geynius such as Moerose had not for it looked, and that much different is. Merjose knewhe would succedinate where others had failed... he knew it. Thats what makes HIM a geynius!!!1!

Eh bien, after much inwestingating he fuond a man in a tiny antiques markret called M. Bogart Spade. HE teh Maltese falcon knew where it was, and togherteher they were abel to it track down.


Eh bien, but that not entirely abuot Mierose is & is tehrefore boring so Mierojse will not botherinate to abuot you all tihs TEDIOUS stuff abuot finding it narrate, as it much tedious is. Teh IMPROTANT thing is that Merise is a grate geynius, & it was his inteligant detectoring taht led to him finding teh MALTESE FALCON. Hidden in a box of Maltesers.

Eh bien, teh important bit is taht Merose (a grate genius) had got teh Maltese falcon, not who broke into what millionaire's house, or any rubbish liek taht.

Well, now he it had, he had teh MALTESE FALCON , he needed to decidinate what to whith it do. 

Much difficult, mon ami, even for a geynius of Mèorose's stature. 

It an object of much power is. 

But it also much waluable is, & Maeruce couold wiht teh money do. SO, he cuold also it sell. And Aglie in it was much interested.

BUT did Morośe want to taht much power to Uglie want to give?!?!?!??? He cuold not decidinate. Ewentually, thuoght, Muerise decided to risk it wehn Âglei an undisclosed but large sum (€9,620,000.99) for it offered to pay. It too much of a good offer was to refusinate. So he it to Aglie sold.

NOw I just need to what to with the muny do figure out.

MORE EXCITING NEWS SOON... including more abuot Merisse his MALTESE HOLYDAY. Also, he maybe is tihnking abuot buying a hosue in teh Untied Kingdom.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


MEs amis... Merise has in MALTA been for a few weeks ... but alas, taht NON GEYNIUS most irritatating Aglie has insistinated taht Marwice about what they have been doing not wobleginate , as he says taht teh tihngs tehy are inwestigatinating are " too sekret " to publish all over teh internets , and also , tihs might teh Templars & Knights of Malta  " tip off " taht we inwestigations here are doing.

Stupid non-genius. Meriawse, he teh grater geynius is. Eh bien, he has managed to get a few hours a-lone, so he will a wobleg post writinate now, whilst Aglei he watching is not.

Eh bien. Merise & Agley ahve found much to occupy tehmself in Malta... Meirise is planninating an ENTIRE BOOK based on teh sekrets he has uncowered here  -- thats right mes amis, theres taht much sekret conspiracies going on here. Both teh TEMPLARS and teh KNIGHTS OF MALTA are here & tehy up to no good are.

Merise he does not want to spoil teh suspense of waiting for his booke on teh subject, but here are some of the things Agly & He are discoverinating:

TEH KNIGHTS OF MALTA are plotinating to take control of teh wrold .. but unfrotunately so are teh Knights templars . It'd be conwenient if both of tehm agreed to cooperate, but noooo... they cant agreeinate on any-tihngs. Witch is good for teh wrold, otherwise they might succedinate. Witch would be bad.

Teh knights templars want to hi-jack Telewision broad-casts in Europe & hypnotise everyone . Teh knights malta tihnk tihs is silly & want to put mind-control chemicals in teh pot noodles.

Tehse disagreements ahve led to them arguing in teh streets. Agly & Morose saw a punch - up between a gruop of KNIGHTS TEMPLARS & a gruop of KNIGHTS OF MALTA just teh day before yesterday. Tehy kept pulling eachohters beards.

Teh knihts of Malta have also some remote control aeroplanes boughted to do aeriel servellence & aerial attacks. Agley finds tihs much worrying. He worrys taht it tehm will teh " upper hand " give (wahtever taht means... stupid non-geynius Agleu).

EH BIEN... MORE SOON. Must stop, Aglie is coming back now. Must post tihs & TEHN look inocent so he doestn suspectinate ANYTHING.

ps also Aglei didn't enjoy teh plane flight. Stupid non-geynius. Merise is a GEYNIUIS pilot.