Well, Merüse did not teh whine he wanted to get get. He instaed had Fèvre Chablis 1er Cru Montmains 2005. EWENTUALLY, after maybe as long as 10 MINUTES, he Seared Sea Bass with sautéed spinach and château potatoes was abel to get to eat.
But now he still muich bored is. He waiting for teh kindly hairyplane stewardesss to go Mjhruçe fetch a glass of Warre’s 1988 Colheita Port bring, but in teh mean time he tihnks he will go back to flicking bits of paper at Aglÿ. Taht much fun is, & Miwrrhose he is certain that this time, Ugliè will join in in teh spirit of teh game.
Ah, it turns out taht Agliè some spare books along brought for Mwerrhïse to raed. Horray! Mirrhyse would not of this have thought (even though he a grater geynius than Agliè is!!!) Well, Mweruse will raed Tango Temple: Templar Conspiracies in Argentina from 1893 to 1976, and tihnk about what he for his NEXT meal will have. ALso, he will teh kindly stewardess ask for an espresso coffee. And a glass of Camus XO Cognac. And more cofffeee.
Monday, 25 January 2010
In FLighjt food
maurice the genius,
maurice's houses,
InFlihgt Entertrainment
Mes amis, Mwerìse he is 10 minutes into teh hairyplane flight from Rhôme to Buenos Aires, and he ALREADY bored is. He & Agly 1st class British Hairways are flyinhg. Agly this insisted -- he would NOT fly wiht Mwerùse his normal hAirline, Atterissage Forcé, which Mjerise made much disapointed. At least tehre would be some entertainment -- teh engine would have normally caught fire at least ONCE by now on Atterissage Forcé.
Eh bien, Mwerüse a GEYNIUS is, so he can wiht teh boredome up put. He tried flicking scraps of paper at Agliè, but he this game did not want to play. Now he trying to raed a newspaper is. But it all rubbish news about stupid non geyniuses as!!! Mirrwse, he a grater geynius tahn ALL of them put togehter is!!!1!
Well, Meruse is falling back on trying to get somehting to eat & drnink to teh time pass. Hmmm -- Mheruse would like Tuna à la Provençale, wiht a bottel of Olivier Leflaive Puligny-Montrachet les Pucelles Premiere Cru 2002 to wiht it go. But alas, teh stewardess not coorporative is!! SHe claims this, they do not have!! She cannot Mweruse a meal get until lunch time, but at least she can him some cheese & biscuits get. Muryse at tihs much angrey was, but managed to restrain himslef and did not teh stewardess atempt to beat up or teh hairyplane attempt to damage. AT LEAST tehre cheese and biscuits are. Merjuse, he hopes teh cheese is TOP QUALITY FRENCH CHEESE. He expects nothing less.
Mwreise is trying to see if he can persauade her to him a bottel of 1985 Haut Brion Blanc him get. Wish Mwerise luck, mes amis!!1!!!
Eh bien, Mwerüse a GEYNIUS is, so he can wiht teh boredome up put. He tried flicking scraps of paper at Agliè, but he this game did not want to play. Now he trying to raed a newspaper is. But it all rubbish news about stupid non geyniuses as!!! Mirrwse, he a grater geynius tahn ALL of them put togehter is!!!1!
Well, Meruse is falling back on trying to get somehting to eat & drnink to teh time pass. Hmmm -- Mheruse would like Tuna à la Provençale, wiht a bottel of Olivier Leflaive Puligny-Montrachet les Pucelles Premiere Cru 2002 to wiht it go. But alas, teh stewardess not coorporative is!! SHe claims this, they do not have!! She cannot Mweruse a meal get until lunch time, but at least she can him some cheese & biscuits get. Muryse at tihs much angrey was, but managed to restrain himslef and did not teh stewardess atempt to beat up or teh hairyplane attempt to damage. AT LEAST tehre cheese and biscuits are. Merjuse, he hopes teh cheese is TOP QUALITY FRENCH CHEESE. He expects nothing less.
Mwreise is trying to see if he can persauade her to him a bottel of 1985 Haut Brion Blanc him get. Wish Mwerise luck, mes amis!!1!!!
Monday, 18 January 2010
Mes amis, UgFlie has been trying to get Mhjrwçe to a wobleg post write about Mjerüse & Agly our day trip to teh snow, in which Merruise & Ugliè flew in teh borowed Piper PA-31T of Maurjse to wisit his Chateau in Armidale, north France where there much snow was.
It a grate and much exciting day trip was, and Mweruse teh snow enjoyd seeing much. And yet, Mwrice he bothered cannot be. Fear not, mes amis, he an EXCITING wobleg post about this will soon post. AND yet, he has something for his many adoring fans. Regular raeders might remememember teh porblems Mjerise had wiht venomous fanged kangaroos. Well, after this Mjweryse took his HSV Maloo ute in to be fixinated, and here is teh email taht he from teh mechanic back got. He it received last year, but had not got to write a wobleg about it yet:
Mjeriÿse knew it!!! He MUST be one of teh WERY, WERY few people who have escaped an attack by Lesser Spotted Poison Fanged Kangaroos unharmed!!!!1!!!?!!1!!!
It a grate and much exciting day trip was, and Mweruse teh snow enjoyd seeing much. And yet, Mwrice he bothered cannot be. Fear not, mes amis, he an EXCITING wobleg post about this will soon post. AND yet, he has something for his many adoring fans. Regular raeders might remememember teh porblems Mjerise had wiht venomous fanged kangaroos. Well, after this Mjweryse took his HSV Maloo ute in to be fixinated, and here is teh email taht he from teh mechanic back got. He it received last year, but had not got to write a wobleg about it yet:
From: Paris Auto Repairs [repairs@parisauto.au]
To: Maurice de Perfossor [maurice.deperfossor@hotmail.fr]
Subject: Repairs to HSV Maloo ute
Date: 20 December 2009 11:32:21 GMT+10:00
Dear Mr. Perfossor,
As agreed we have serviced your car, and returned it to your property. The steering needed to be readjusted, and new tyres were also put on. Full details of repairs to the engine are in the quote.
As discussed, we fixed the metal work at the back of the driver's cab, which was badly damaged. It appeared to have been torn or bitten away -- what happened that could cause this sort of damage? It's the first time we, or any other mechanic we have spoken to, has seen this sort of damage.
The full quote is attached, and the total comes to $1,934.64. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional queries.
Thank you for your custom.
Reg Smith, Chief Mechanic.
Paris Auto Repairs
Your Friendly Local Car Dealer and Repair Yard
583 Beardy Street
Paris NSW
Tel: +61 9 1771 8923
Email: repairs@parisauto.au
Web: http://www.parisauto.au/services/repairs/
To: Maurice de Perfossor [maurice.deperfossor@hotmail.fr]
Subject: Repairs to HSV Maloo ute
Date: 20 December 2009 11:32:21 GMT+10:00
Dear Mr. Perfossor,
As agreed we have serviced your car, and returned it to your property. The steering needed to be readjusted, and new tyres were also put on. Full details of repairs to the engine are in the quote.
As discussed, we fixed the metal work at the back of the driver's cab, which was badly damaged. It appeared to have been torn or bitten away -- what happened that could cause this sort of damage? It's the first time we, or any other mechanic we have spoken to, has seen this sort of damage.
The full quote is attached, and the total comes to $1,934.64. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional queries.
Thank you for your custom.
Reg Smith, Chief Mechanic.
Paris Auto Repairs
Your Friendly Local Car Dealer and Repair Yard
583 Beardy Street
Paris NSW
Tel: +61 9 1771 8923
Email: repairs@parisauto.au
Web: http://www.parisauto.au/services/repairs/
Mjeriÿse knew it!!! He MUST be one of teh WERY, WERY few people who have escaped an attack by Lesser Spotted Poison Fanged Kangaroos unharmed!!!!1!!!?!!1!!!
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Daytrip to Rhôme wiht Agliè
Mes amis, today Mhjwrÿçe for a dirve into Rome with his bon ami Ugliè went. Mwèréwse decided to teh 2CV dirvinate, and Mirrhuyse his beret wore -- wery much teh model of a sophisticate whine maker extraordinaire !!! Mherjse thought that Agly about teh choise of car would complain, but he did not much. Ugliè complaininated more about Mhjerÿse his red high heeled shoes (très chic, mes amis) than teh speed at which Mwrhjyse he droveinated at (150km/h)!!!! Maybe, Ugliè he preferinates teh dark blue high heel shoes (wiht DIAMONDS on it) tahn teh red ones.
Anyways, mes amis, Mjerùse & Ugliè had a day out most magnifique & Agly teh secret Templar history of Rhôme to Mhjweruse explaininated. APPARENTLY, teh Templars tehy used to really really sekret meetings hold in teh ruins of teh colliseum for many years, until Àglìè found tehm out & Infiltrated teihr Rhôme branch. This forced them to their meetings move & Agliè has not them again yet foundinated.
Mjerüse went shopping & bought himslef some more shoes (TWO pairs of PRADA high heeled shoes, and a pair of work boots for working on teh farm at castello di Mwerjüse. Teh farm boots are by Louis Vuitton!) , a nice new dinner jacket, and a book about teh Templar history of Rhôme which Agly such much good but flawed was (by an ex-Templar, published in 1721), and a book on teh Templars in Germany by Agliè de St Germaine published in 1801 -- maybe a relative of my bon ami Agliè!?!?!?
Aglìe bought a case of 1962 Ch. d'Yquem and a case of 1982 Ch. Haut-Brion. Mjeruse also two cases eahc of these boughted, as well as a case of 1973 Romanée Conti and a two (2!) precious bottles of 1901 Ch. Moutoun-Rothschild. Aglêi also one of these bought. Quite a find, mes amis, quite a find!!!!
Eh bien, Mjerîse & Aglië tehn to lunch went. Tehy a fine lunch at La Pergola (teh ONLY Michelin *** restaurant in Rhôme) wiht many bottels of whine from teh 50,000 bottel+ cellar. Teh menu, it was magnifiqe! Mherüse teh "Composition of sole and white truffle from Alba on cannellini beans" had, and Agluy had teh "Organic pigeon with purée of dried fruit bread and pomegranate ice-crush".
It much magnifique were, and Mweruîse hardly able to back into teh 2CV roll to dirve back to Castello di Mwejuiçe (at 150km/h)..
Anyways, mes amis, Mjerùse & Ugliè had a day out most magnifique & Agly teh secret Templar history of Rhôme to Mhjweruse explaininated. APPARENTLY, teh Templars tehy used to really really sekret meetings hold in teh ruins of teh colliseum for many years, until Àglìè found tehm out & Infiltrated teihr Rhôme branch. This forced them to their meetings move & Agliè has not them again yet foundinated.
Mjerüse went shopping & bought himslef some more shoes (TWO pairs of PRADA high heeled shoes, and a pair of work boots for working on teh farm at castello di Mwerjüse. Teh farm boots are by Louis Vuitton!) , a nice new dinner jacket, and a book about teh Templar history of Rhôme which Agly such much good but flawed was (by an ex-Templar, published in 1721), and a book on teh Templars in Germany by Agliè de St Germaine published in 1801 -- maybe a relative of my bon ami Agliè!?!?!?
Aglìe bought a case of 1962 Ch. d'Yquem and a case of 1982 Ch. Haut-Brion. Mjeruse also two cases eahc of these boughted, as well as a case of 1973 Romanée Conti and a two (2!) precious bottles of 1901 Ch. Moutoun-Rothschild. Aglêi also one of these bought. Quite a find, mes amis, quite a find!!!!
Eh bien, Mjerîse & Aglië tehn to lunch went. Tehy a fine lunch at La Pergola (teh ONLY Michelin *** restaurant in Rhôme) wiht many bottels of whine from teh 50,000 bottel+ cellar. Teh menu, it was magnifiqe! Mherüse teh "Composition of sole and white truffle from Alba on cannellini beans" had, and Agluy had teh "Organic pigeon with purée of dried fruit bread and pomegranate ice-crush".
It much magnifique were, and Mweruîse hardly able to back into teh 2CV roll to dirve back to Castello di Mwejuiçe (at 150km/h)..
cafe society,
castelli romani,
maurice the genius,
maurice's houses,
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Haippy New Year!!!
MES amis, Mweruse was just wiht Agly discussing our up coming holiday to Argentina (in February, mes amis, to get a bit of taht southern hemisfear summner in!!) when he rembered that he had not his adoring wobleg audience treated to another demonstration of his geynius most magnifique ALL YEAR!!!!! Oui, it is true. Mjeruise had not ANY wobleg posts for le bon année 2010 made~!!! WELL< this, he knew it no good was!! He must this porblem fix!
Eh bien, he teh wobleg post it is. Mjerusie & Agly, tehy to teh Tuscan castel of Mwirrhyçe his bon ami Agli went for Christmas and they a much good Christmas had. Meurhyse gave Agliè a copy of one of Mhwriuse his books, and Aglÿ gave Meruse a 16th century book about teh templars. Ugliè wiht teh present from Mirése much pleased was, and said: "Oh good, another copy of the Mouthwash of the Gods, I'll add it to my collection along with all the others you gave me. How kind!" You could tell he much touched was, and he strugled to hold back tears of gratitude.
Well, we a much nice CHristmas diner had. Aglìè teh duck prepared, & Mjheruse brought a long botles of 1969, 1979, 1989 and 1999 Romanée Conti and they much good ALL were & wiht teh duck much well went. Agly looked suddenly excited again. Tehn we had Christmas pudding, also made by Agly, and 1923 Taylors wintage port (from portugal) supplied by Mhjrryçe. Tehn X.O. armagnac. Tehn X.O. calvados. Tehn sauturnes (1963 Château d'Yquem). Tehn Christmas cake. At this point, even Meruse too much to eat felt he had had.
New Year was good too, Mweruse & Agly celebrated teh new year wiht a fine dinner of pheasant served wiht 1910 Romanée Conti, and for desert was a selection of finest cheese wiht 1910 Château d'Yquem. Tehn we a 1910 wintage Armagnac had. Can you a theme see emerging, mes amis?!?!?
When Meryse & Uglie had to Castello di Merüsse returninated, tehy much work to do on teh whines still had. Agly reckons they finished ferment have, & to oak barrels for maturing tehm has moved. HE thinks that for this we many months must wait, maybe more than 6!!! but Meruse tihhnks 5 days is enough. And Mweruyse in charge of teh whine making is.
Eh bien, that all for now is. Meruise will more write to you keep infromed, though!!!
Eh bien, he teh wobleg post it is. Mjerusie & Agly, tehy to teh Tuscan castel of Mwirrhyçe his bon ami Agli went for Christmas and they a much good Christmas had. Meurhyse gave Agliè a copy of one of Mhwriuse his books, and Aglÿ gave Meruse a 16th century book about teh templars. Ugliè wiht teh present from Mirése much pleased was, and said: "Oh good, another copy of the Mouthwash of the Gods, I'll add it to my collection along with all the others you gave me. How kind!" You could tell he much touched was, and he strugled to hold back tears of gratitude.
Well, we a much nice CHristmas diner had. Aglìè teh duck prepared, & Mjheruse brought a long botles of 1969, 1979, 1989 and 1999 Romanée Conti and they much good ALL were & wiht teh duck much well went. Agly looked suddenly excited again. Tehn we had Christmas pudding, also made by Agly, and 1923 Taylors wintage port (from portugal) supplied by Mhjrryçe. Tehn X.O. armagnac. Tehn X.O. calvados. Tehn sauturnes (1963 Château d'Yquem). Tehn Christmas cake. At this point, even Meruse too much to eat felt he had had.
New Year was good too, Mweruse & Agly celebrated teh new year wiht a fine dinner of pheasant served wiht 1910 Romanée Conti, and for desert was a selection of finest cheese wiht 1910 Château d'Yquem. Tehn we a 1910 wintage Armagnac had. Can you a theme see emerging, mes amis?!?!?
When Meryse & Uglie had to Castello di Merüsse returninated, tehy much work to do on teh whines still had. Agly reckons they finished ferment have, & to oak barrels for maturing tehm has moved. HE thinks that for this we many months must wait, maybe more than 6!!! but Meruse tihhnks 5 days is enough. And Mweruyse in charge of teh whine making is.
Eh bien, that all for now is. Meruise will more write to you keep infromed, though!!!
castelli romani,
maurice the genius,
maurice's houses,
the mouthwash of the gods,
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