Mes amis --- Mjorhowse teh geynius and Aglié, they for a drive went and this time Muirowse genarously let his bon ami Aglei drivinate. Oh but he not such a good dirver as Mjrjse is!! He went so slow!!! For murose it wery tedius was -- we NEVER went faster than 120km/h!!! SUCH SLOWNESßS!!
Eh bien, when Aglie and Mjuirose (geynius) to teh castle got back, Aglie he suggested we for a look around teh castle went. Well, this such a good idea was that Muras just had to agreeinate!!! There are many rooms in teh castle, many wiht original furnishings, so there much interesting to see was. Well, mes amis, in teh librarry, burried in amongst a pile of books on geology and astrology, was a book most unique!!!
It, an ancient laether bounded volume called Gli antichi segreti dei Templari was -- this, it means "Teh Ancient Hidden Secrets of teh Templars"!!! It was clearly published before 1750 was, and so Aglie up on it fell with much delgiht. There, there a MAP was, showing teh location of some of teh hidden Templar castles, and the conetents page listed detailed descritpiton of EVERY hidden secret Templar plot. This , it too much a good find was!! Mirrhowse he could not it beleive!! AND yet, it true was!!!
Well , mes amis, Muirrhowse teh geynius and Aglie will now to the study of Mirwse this take. AND There we will now it Studyinate. Mirwose, he is certain that the two minds of these scholars most eminant (though of course Mueworse he is teh MOST eminant) will together SOMETHING of most important significance in this document unqiue be able to findinate!!!
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