well mes amis you all will much glad to be to know that your favorite freind Maurose de Pirofssor has to his hosue & home in Armidale, France once again it back made. Alas, he the Eurostar train never found, but when he around for it was walking looking, he somehow in Dover ended up and so the ferry to France able to take was.
Once in France, he a Caterham Seven R500 was for himself able to buy. At 150mph, the trip back home it did not much long take. Teh drive it not without incident was.
Murroiwse he buy teh Gendarmerie stopped was, he asked the GEYNIUS muirowase to see a thing called a "driving license". Murrohse knew not of what he talked, Muirrhyse one of these does not have!!! Luckilly teh R500 can from 0 - 60 mph in 2.88 seconds go, so Muirrohwse he pretendinated that his "DRYVING LISENCE" (whatever it is) in teh car was and then got in and off WERY WERY WERY fast drovinated. Why should a geynius such as Murrhoswe with TRIVIA like DIRVING LYCENCES himslef have to concern???
Well MES AMIS that is all for today. But despair not! Muirrowse has many more adventures with witch to regale you! Vous parler de lui très bientôt!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_driving_licence, eh?
Yours squirrelishly,
Actually, this one's more appropriate to "M. Maurice":
Yours nuttily,
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