Sunday 16 December 2007

Frenquenly unasked questions

F.unA.Q. no 3489312

From: "Níðhöggr" []
To: Ratatoskr.Squirrel
Subject: Paris

Has Maurice ever really visited Paris?

Good question for Ratatoskr. I'm perfect squirrel to answer this. Easy -- its as likely as I've ever visted Ásgard. That answers it for once and for all doesn't it?

Hey! whos that asking then how come Maurice knows so much about Paris if he's never been there? Easy. Never said he'd not been to Paris. Matter of fact, I've visited Ásgard. Why'd you think I hadn't. I am Ratatoskr, no ordinary squirrel.

Ásgard's a nice enough place, but the cafes are overrated and the gift shop is frankly just overpriced.

Oh yes, and Víðópnir says to say your flames are luke warm and you can't fly as well as him. After all you're at Yggsdrasils roots whilst he soars high above you at its very top. You want me to pass on another message back to him for you? Eagles, huh.

Your squirrelly squirrel,

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